If I am to continue my current attendance in this battlefield, I must requisition your medical supplies, the reason I ask for this is quite obvious, I have been wounded in combat and I am no longer able to continue fighting without proper treatment to my person. If we are to have a chance in this battle, all members of the team have to be at peak performance, but unfortunately I regret to inform you that I am Currently unable to preform an outstanding combat performance due to my current medical conundrum, in other words, I have been deeply physically hurt and any medical attention would be greatly appreciated, because once I am healed, I will be back to optimal performance, and then, I will be able to help the team and finish the current task at hand. Thank you for considering my request for this medicinal treatment, I sincerely hope that you continue to preform your duties as a healer and keep my wounds mended. Thank you.
私のこの戦場で私の現在の出席を継続するなら、あなたの医療用品を注文する必要があります、これを求める理由は非常に明白な私が戦闘で負傷している、私の人に適切な治療せず戦闘継続できなくなりました。この戦いでチャンスを持っている場合は、チームのすべてのメンバーはピーク p でなければなりません。
Okay, I get it, you like Translation Party.