I really like the 1960 Khorns with the EV woofers, but some of that is based on looks (wacky modern grill cloth with metallic thread, wood/composite squawkers, and plexi nameplates with the cursive khorn logo). I still haven't got these set up right in decent corners to do some critical listening. I also have some 1976 khorns with CTS woofers and hope to get them in the same room with the 1960 khorns and do some A/B comparisons. I will actually have four decent corners to put them in once I finish building the listening room--it's over a year behind schedule! Aaargh!
本当に EV のウーファーと 1960 Khorns を好きですが、いくつかのことは見える (金属糸、木/複合 squawkers 筆記体 khorn のロゴとプレキシの銘板と奇抜なモダンなグリル布) に基づきます。私はまだいくつかの重要なリスニングを行うにまともなコーナーで権利をこれらのセットを持っていません。私もいくつかの 1976 khorns CTS ウーファーと h があります。
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