I n my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since. “Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.” He didn’t say any more, but we’ve always been unusually communicative in a reserved way, and I understood that he meant a great deal more than that. In consequence, I’m inclined to reserve all judgments, a habit that has opened up many curious natures to me and also made me the victim of not a few veteran bores. The abnormal mind is quick to detect and attach itself to this quality when it appears in a normal person, and so it came about that in college I was unjustly accused of being a politician, because I was privy to the secret griefs of wild, unknown men. Most of the confidences were unsought — frequently I have feigned sleep, preoccupation, or a hostile levity when I realized by some unmistakable sign that an intimate revelation was quivering on the horizon; for the intimate revelations of young men, or at least the terms in which they express them, are usually plagiaristic and marred by obvious suppressions. Reserving judgments is a matter of infinite hope. I am still a little afraid of missing something if I forget that, as my father snobbishly suggested, and I snobbishly repeat, a sense of the fundamental decencies is parcelled out unequally at birth
私 私の父が与えた私の若くてより脆弱な年数 今まで心の中でひっくり返してきたアドバイス から。 「誰かを批判したいと思ったときはいつでも」と彼は私に言った、「ただ この世界のすべての人々は、あなたが持っていたような利点を持っていないことを覚えておいてください。 彼はもう何も言わなかったが、私たちはいつも異常だった 共
I My younger and more vulnerable years given by my father Advice that has been turned upside down in my mind until now From. "Whenever I want to criticize someone," he told me, "I just want to criticize Realize that all the people in this world don't have the benefits you had.
私 父から与えられた若くて傷つきやすい年月 今まで頭の中でひっくり返っていたアドバイス 差出人。 「誰かを批判したいときはいつでも」と彼は私に言った、「私はただ批判したいだけです。 この世界のすべての人々は、あなたが持っていた利益を得ていないことを理解してください。
I The young, vulnerable years given to him by his father Advice that has been flipping in my head until now Sender. "Whenever I want to criticize someone," he told me, "I just want to criticize. All the people in this world are not getting the benefits you had.
私 父親から与えられた若く傷つきやすい年月 今まで頭の中でひっくり返っていたアドバイス 差し出し人。 「誰かを批判したいときはいつでも」と彼は私に言った、「私はただ批判したい。 この世界のすべての人々は、あなたが持っていた利益を得ていません。
I The young, vulnerable years given to him by his father Advice that has been flipping in my head until now Sender. "Whenever I want to criticize someone," he told me, "I just want to criticize. Not all the people in this world are getting the benefits you had
私 父親から与えられた若く傷つきやすい年月 今まで頭の中でひっくり返っていたアドバイス 差し出し人。 「誰かを批判したいときはいつでも」と彼は私に言った、「私はただ批判したい。 この世界のすべての人々があなたが持っていた利益を得ているわけではありません
I The young, vulnerable years given to him by his father Advice that has been flipping in my head until now Sender. "Whenever I want to criticize someone," he told me, "I just want to criticize. Not all the people in this world are getting the benefits you had.
私 父親から与えられた若く傷つきやすい年月 今まで頭の中でひっくり返っていたアドバイス 差し出し人。 「誰かを批判したいときはいつでも」と彼は私に言った、「私はただ批判したい。 この世界のすべての人々があなたが持っていた利益を得ているわけではありません。
I The young, vulnerable years given to him by his father Advice that has been flipping in my head until now Sender. "Whenever I want to criticize someone," he told me, "I just want to criticize. Not all the people in this world are getting the benefits you had.
That didn't even make that much sense in English.