I needed a dress for some reason so there was this lady selling dresses, the person I was this said "look she's selling dresses!" The dresses were too big big for me tho so I got upset and started walking home. (This is where it gets weird) I was walking home, it was dark and suddenly everything changed. It still looked like the way home but when I went down it it changed into this strange mixture of routes. I was confused and scared because it's very easy to home, it took a very long time to even get into a house of any sort, I had to run through these empty forests and empty areas, I was just running and I was scared. I reached this area full of a paintings (they looked like the paintings from animal jam and had the thin black frame) these paintings were gigantic and full of these beatiful realistic paintings, I saw paintings of unicorns, tigers etc. They all had this magic fantasy theme but it was so eerie and strange, the area I was in was this magical fairy type forest, the plants and trees were shades of dark violet, there were lots of muted pinks and reds violets but it was mostly filled with violets and purples and dark blue violets, I was in this area for a while when I started running again I just remember going into what was suppose to be a neighborhood, it was completely empty and deserted, it's like everyone just stopped what they were doing and left, I was just trying to go home and I was trying to find my house so I was running around this neighborhood just but being put in these weird areas with houses, there was this one house where I climbed over a small fence like wall where this house had a pool, the water was gone and all the pool toys were left in it, I avoided this and went straight for the house. I was frantic at this point so I banged on the door and the light turned on inside the house so I opened the door but it was completely dark and empty, I looked through all the rooms and turned on these small animal lamps that were on the floor
I needed a dress for some reason, so there was this woman selling the dress, the person I was doing this was "Look she's selling the dress!" The dress was too big for me, so I got upset and started going home. (This is where it gets weird.)
I needed a dress for some reason, so there was this woman selling the dress, the person I was doing this was like, "Look she's selling the dress!" The dress was too big for me, so I got upset and started going home. (This makes it weird and
I needed a dress for some reason, so there was this woman selling the dress, the person I was doing this was like, "Look she's selling the dress!" The dress was too big for me, so I got upset and started going home. (This makes it weird and
That didn't even make that much sense in English.