I'm not in Highschool. While I've yet to attend a University (Liberal brain-wash camp), I've got a Masters level education. Needless to say, I don't posses a Masters Degree (I didn't mean for it to come across that way). However, with my intelligence and research of economics and philosophy (specifically, Metaphysics), I've got a Masters Level education/understanding of these things. Also, for what it's worth, I'm an INTJ on the MBTI (Myers briggs Type Indicator), which concludes that I'm adept at logic and reasoning; Hence why I'm a member of the alt-right.
私は高校ではないです。一方、まだ大学へ入学 (教養脳を洗うキャンプ)、修士レベルの教育を持っています。 言うまでもなく、私は (私はその方法で遭遇するために意味しなかった) 修士の学位の保有をしません。しかし、私の知性と経済学と哲学 (具体的には、形而上学) の研究、私は修士レベルの教育を持っています。
That's deep, man.