I hope to branch out into more ML/AI branch of my company. I have a basic understanding of the subject but there are no opportunities to learn more. Coursera courses will help me get skills and confidence in my ability to switch task into more ML/AI focused. Right now I work closely with the team that deals with those tasks but my input is usually only data and business knowledge (I provide data for modeling and understanding of business to the team) but neither they nor I have time to get knowledge from them without falling back on other tasks. I plan to apply to this team when I get enough knowledge to actually help in their work instead of being the 5th wheel. My company is moving more into automation, decision making based on ML models, Deep Analytics to understand our clients more - so more and more money are put into this branch. I hope to take advantage of that and secure myself position in that branch of the company.
私は私の会社のより多くの ML/AI 分岐に分岐する願っています。私は、主題の基本的な理解がより多くを学ぶ機会がないです。Coursera コースはスキルを得るに助けてくれるし、より ML/愛にタスクをスイッチする能力に自信を持ってに焦点を当てた。 今私は、これらのタスクを扱うチームと緊密に連携が、私の入力は、通常
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