Hillary Clinton refuses to say the words radical Islam, even as she pushes for a massive increase in refugees coming into our country. After Secretary Clinton's failed intervention in Libya, Islamic terrorists in Benghazi took down our consulate and killed our ambassador and three brave Americans. Then, instead of taking charge that night, Hillary Clinton decided to go home and sleep. Incredible. Clinton blames it all on a video, an excuse that was a total lie, proven to be absolutely a total lie. Our ambassador was murdered and our secretary of state misled the nation.
ヒラリー ・ クリントンの言葉を言うことを断る彼女を我が国に入ってくる難民の大規模な増加のプッシュも、イスラム過激派。クリントン国務長官にリビアへの介入が失敗した後、ベンガジでイスラム教のテロリストは私たちの領事館ダウンを取り、我々 の大使と 3 つの勇敢なアメリカ人を殺した。その夜、ヒラリーを担当ではなく、
Okay, I get it, you like Translation Party.