Hi, my name is Boya. I love dessert. I hate dentists. I finished the party and dessert tonight. - This dessert is beautiful. Then I went home. Finally, the end of a happy year. I played with my neighbor. I said. "This" I bought the ball and bought it and it was very hard. I told my mother I would go to a dentist. "No!" I knew it was a mistake. This love is grateful when we arrive. He must wait politely for five minutes. Five minutes later ... I'm a dentist. I thought "No!" When we got to the room, I was worried about seeing the worst with x-rays. After that, the dentist sat on the bed and sat on the chair. You hurt me on your destiny and on the right side of my teeth. After that, we will work vaguely to prevent tooth injuries. I have lived in my life. - you are wrong? I discovered that the light is very bright and the sunglasses are received. Then I tried to pull my teeth. However, "Nao !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" My teeth said I would not hurt when I pulled them away. Q: Why paste paste on teeth? "Yes" "no harm" so I took all that did not hurt her.
こんにちは、私の名前はボヤです。デザートが大好きです。私は歯科医を嫌います。私は今夜パーティーとデザートを終えた。-このデザートは美しいです。その後、帰宅。最後に、幸せな年の終わり。 私の隣人と遊びました。言いましたよ。「これは」私はボールを購入し、それを買ったが非常に難しかった。私は、私は歯医者に行く私の母を言った。"No!"それが間違いだったと知りました。 Th
Yes! You've got it man! You've got it