here's the thing: i'm actually not addicted to minecraft. yes, i play circa 6 and a half hours a day and yes, i haven't had any form of genuine human interaction in weeks, and yes, i am unable to recall the last time i went outside. but i am not addicted. i'm definitely not addicted. its not like i'm genuinely unable pull myself away from the screen, i can do that. i can do that easily. its not as if i'm constantly running it through my mind either. in fact, i can easily get distracted by other activities. i only play minecraft as a casual hobby. edit: i'm actually 19 years old, kids and weeaboos have ruined minecraft in my opinion.
ここでは、こと: 私は実際に minecraft に中毒ではないです。はい、私は 6 と時間半頃プレー日とはい、数週間で、本物の人間の相互作用の任意のフォームを持っていなかったし、はい、外に行った最後の時間を思い出すことができません。しかし、はまっていません。私は間違いなく中毒ではないです。そのこと粉れもなくことができないようがれから自分自身を引き離す
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