Here are some excerpts from the AWBW based doc "The Broken Tier, and how we can fix it" I'm currently writing! GrinGrimm "We're not debating here the legality of Colin or Jake for that matter; but it's intellectually dishonest to claim that Colin is better than Jake in any sense. The latter has a better d2d units, stronger movement, more options... By all objective measures, Jake is better than Colin. The fact that the latter is in tier zero and the former isn't just speaks volumes. What I'm arguing is that if more COs were in Tier 0 they'd be more visible and there'd be more variety for that matter" "And to be fair, it's not Colin's fault, but we need to start thinking about banning tanks, copters and other units that make the Meta stale and predictable." "Not to mention that most people play Sensei just to spam infantry and bcopters which makes him a one-dimensional, predictable, gimmicky CO. The fact that he's been revered as much as he historically has says all that there is to know about the state of current t0." "I mean, is it a coincidence that in spite of the fact that the game we base the website on has him atop the power list, Sturm is being held down solely by bureaucracy? No, Colin apologists shake at the mere thought of 120a earlygame recons!" "A good alternative would be to have t0 COs usable in the main tiers with some caveats, say, Hachi can be used in t2 but cannot build tanks or infantry by implementing complex bans there's no reason why Sonja couldn't beat Kanbei in T2. It would even the playing field, add variety and a lot of shades and subtleties to the meta that are hard to grasp without actually implementing it." "A new, updated rulework would allow this tier to shine with unprecedented variety and gameplay. Instead we get a T0 with a Black Bomb ban, thus limiting the possible strategies."
現在執筆中の AWBW ベースのドキュメント「The Broken Tier, and how we can fix it」からの抜粋です。 GrinGrimm 「私たちはコリンやジェイクの合法性についてここで議論しているわけではありませんが、コリンがジェイクより優れていると主張するのは知的に不誠実です.
An excerpt from the AWBW-based document "The Broken Tier, and how we can fix it" currently being written. GrinGrimm "We are not discussing the legality of Colin or Jake here, but it is intellectually dishonest to claim that Colin is superior to Jake.
現在執筆中の AWBW ベースのドキュメント「The Broken Tier, and how we can fix it」からの抜粋。 GrinGrimm 「ここでコリンやジェイクの合法性について議論しているわけではありませんが、コリンがジェイクよりも優れていると主張するのは知的に不誠実です。
An excerpt from the AWBW-based document "The Broken Tier, and how we can fix it" currently being written. GrinGrimm "I'm not discussing the legality of Colin or Jake here, but it's intellectually dishonest to claim that Colin is better than Jake.
現在執筆中の AWBW ベースのドキュメント「The Broken Tier, and how we can fix it」からの抜粋。 GrinGrimm 「ここでコリンやジェイクの合法性について議論しているわけではありませんが、コリンがジェイクより優れていると主張するのは知的に不誠実です。
An excerpt from the AWBW-based document "The Broken Tier, and how we can fix it" currently being written. GrinGrimm "I'm not discussing the legality of Colin or Jake here, but it's intellectually dishonest to claim that Colin is better than Jake.
This is a real translation party!