Here's a review that wasn't pandered for: Server seems alright when you first join. Everyone is nice, welcoming and friendly. That of course gives way to immaturity that later leaks from the cracks of the poorly infrastuctured system. There are a lot of people logged on which seems aweomse at first, until you realize that half or more are actually second or even third accounts of the handful of people that do play. In the case of the Admin, I've personally dug up more than 10 accounts all with different personalities and personas, which I found weird, but to each thier own. The spawn is nicely constructed and if you can get past the constant memes and high school like conversations, you can actually have a good time there. However, if you are like me and want a forever home, I would steer clear of a server like this.
ここに pandered なかったレビューです: 最初に参加したとき、サーバーは大丈夫です。誰もが素敵なフレンドリーです。それはもちろん、不十分な infrastuctured システムの隙間から未熟と方法その後リーク与えます。ログオンして半分残っていることを認識するまで最初に、aweomse と思われる人が多いか、実際にはもっと
Yes! You've got it man! You've got it