Heather was horrible in World Tour. She foated and had lots of plot armor. The fact that she and the writers try to make us buy their This Is How We Will End It lie ("we are the greatest rivals this show has seen" GET OUT FLOATERS) is outright insulting to actual rivalries, many of which even include Heather. In pre merge Heather and Team Amazon had little to no plot befor Duncan returned, which made Gwen and COurtney eb the targets and saved Heather. Heather then just votes for Courtney and people act like if it was an amazing startegic move (which wasn't even successful as Gwen got eliminated), and continued floating and even being borderline annoying until in episode 22 and later when she suddenly ebcomes the most amazing cntestant. Heather's depiction in Total Drama World Tour (and later in Total Drama All-Stars) just ruins the little bit of good and fun her character had in the first two seasons. I flat out do not get why people lsay she got development in World Tour if she just did not. The only things that save her form being the worst character in WT in my opinion are a cheater, a feralized guy, animal curse and Sierra. Also, I don't like World Tour. Well, I do but Heather and sometimes Alejandro, and DJ, and Duncan and Owen merging again, ruin it for me. I like watching it because I do but it's just flawed and wrong. Action and Island are better. Courtney winning World Tour would've honestly been awesome and way better than Heather's predictable ending.
ヘザーはワールドツアーでひどかった。彼女は浮気し、たくさんの陰謀の鎧を持っていました。彼女と作家が私たちにこれを購入させようとするという事実は、嘘です(「私たちはこのショーが見た中で最大のライバルです」GET OUT FLOATERS)。 。統合前のヘザーとチームアマゾンha
Heather was terrible on the world tour. She had an affair and had a lot of conspiracy armor. The fact that she and the writer try to get us to buy this is a lie ("We are the biggest rivals this show has seen" GET OUT FLOATERS). .. Heather before integration
ヘザーは世界ツアーでひどかった。彼女は浮気し、陰謀の鎧をたくさん持っていました。彼女と作家が私たちにこれを買わせようとしているという事実は嘘です(「私たちはこのショーで見た最大のライバルです」GET OUT FLOATERS)。 ..統合前のヘザー
Heather was terrible on the world tour. She had an affair and had a lot of conspiracy armor. The fact that she and the writer are trying to get us to buy this is a lie ("We are the biggest rivals we've seen on this show," GET OUT FLOATERS). .. Heather before integration
ヘザーは世界ツアーでひどかった。彼女は浮気し、陰謀の鎧をたくさん持っていました。彼女と作家が私たちにこれを買わせようとしているという事実は嘘です(「私たちはこのショーで見た中で最大のライバルです」、GET OUT FLOATERS)。 ..統合前のヘザー
Heather was terrible on the world tour. She had an affair and had a lot of conspiracy armor. The fact that she and the writer are trying to get us to buy this is a lie ("We are the biggest rivals we've seen on this show," GET OUT FLOATERS). .. Heather before integration
That didn't even make that much sense in English.