Harrison was promoted to lieutenant after Major General "Mad Anthony" Wayne took command of the western army in 1792 following a disastrous defeat under Arthur St. Clair, its previous commander. In 1793 Harrison became Wayne's aide-de-camp. Harrison learned how to successfully command an army on the American frontier and participated in Wayne's decisive victory at the Battle of Fallen Timbers on August 20, 1794, which brought the Northwest Indian War to a successful close for the United States. Harrison was a signatory of the Treaty of Greenville (1795) as witness to Wayne, the principal negotiator for the U.S. government. Under the term of the treaty, a coalition of Native Americans ceded a portion of their lands to the federal government that opened two-thirds of present-day Ohio to settlement by European Americans.
少将「マッド ・ アンソニー」ウェインは 1792 アーサー ・ セントクレア、その前の司令官の下での悲惨な敗北の後で西部の軍の指揮をとった後、ハリソンは中尉に昇進しました。1793 年にハリソン ウェインの侍従武官となった。ハリソンは正常にアメリカのフロンティアの軍隊を指揮する方法を学んだし、ウェインの 12 月に参加しました。
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