Translated Labs


German comrades! Seven years is a short time span, a fraction of a single person's life - barely a second in the life of a whole people. And yet the past seven years somehow seem longer than many decades of the past. A very important historical event is contained within them: the rebirth of a nation formerly threatened by extinction. It is an incredibly eventful time, and seems barely comprehensive sometimes to us, who have not just had the opportunity to witness but also to actually create a small part of it. Democratic ideals are a big topic of discussion right now; not in Germany, but other parts of the world talk about them. We in Germany have learned our lesson with democratic ideals; if the rest of the world praises these ideals, we can only answer that the German people had the chance to live within the purest form of this ideal, and we ourselves are now reaping the legacy left by this democracy. We then get a lecture on the wonderful goals of war, especially from the British side. Great Britain has much experience in proclaiming goals of war, considering they have waged more wars than anyone else. The goals they proclaim today are fantastic: the creation of a new Europe. This Europe will be a just place, and the general equality will make arms unnecessary, so we can all disarm. This disarmament is supposed to kick start a period of economic blossoming, trade and movement should commence, especially trade, much trade, free trade! And from this trade, culture is supposed to bloom, and not just culture, but religion, too. In one phrase: the golden age is supposed to dawn. Unfortunately, this golden age has been described in a very similar fashion on several occasions, and not even by prior generations, but by the same people that are describing it yet again today. It's like a very worn-out groove on an old LP. We should pity these gentlemen, who haven't found a new, big idea to hook the people on, because they promised the same things in 1918: the goal of war then was also a "new Europe" and a "new equality", this new equality whose main element is abolishing a nation's right to self-determination. At that time, an equality that would make arms unnecessary in the future was promised. Thence issued the program of disarmament of everyone. And to make this disarmament especially manifest, it was supposed to be crowned by a union of all disarmed states, which had decided that, in the future, all differences (at least no one doubted there would still be differences) between them should be, well, as it is the custom among democracies, be talked to pieces in open discussions. Under no circumstances should there be any more shooting. And at that time it was already said that the consequences of this disarmament and this worldwide parliament would be an incredible blossoming, a blooming of industry and especially (and much emphasis is always put on this) of trade, of free trade. Culture, as well, should not be disregarded in this process, and while one spoke a little bit less about religion at the end of the war than at the beginning, we at least were told, in the year 1918, that it would be a blessed era that God would smile upon. We are experiencing now what happened then: the old states were dissolved without even asking their peoples' opinion. Not in one single case was the nation asked if it agreed with the measures that others would put into place in them. Old, almost historical bodies were dissolved - not just states, but also economic bodies. One could not imagine something better in their stead, since what is created over a period of several centuries is probably better than anything else; it was definitely impossible for those people that view all of European history with the greatest arrogance to create something better. So it passed that, without taking into account a nation's right to self-determination, Europe was hacked up, Europe was torn open, large states were dissolved, nations had their rights taken away. This was done by first making them helpless, then categorizing them in a manner that predetermined who the winners and the losers would be. There was no more talk of disarmament then, on the contrary, the arms race continued. For no one started solving their conflicts in a peaceful manner, on the contrary, those states with arms waged war just like before. Only the disarmed were not able to forbid the menacing actions of the armed, or even to keep them away from themselves. Paralleling this, of course, came not a period of economic health, but on the contrary an incredible system of reparations led to the economic downfall of not only the losers, but also of the winners themselves. No people felt the effects of this economic depression more than the Germans. The general economic disorganization led, particularly in Germany, to a widespread joblessness that almost ruined our German people. Culture, as well, was not enhanced, but rather ridiculed and warped. Religion took a back seat; in these 15 years no one British spoke of religion; no British person remembered Christian mercifulness or altruism. At that time the gentlemen did not take their Bibles with them on walks, instead, their Bible was the Treaty of Versailles! 448 paragraphs, all of which a burden, an obligation, a condemnation, a blackmail of Germany or towards Germany. And this Versailles was guaranteed by the new League of Nations - not a union of free nations, of similar nations, not a union of nations at all (the actual, founded nations stayed away) - a League of Nations whose sole task was to guarantee this most base of all agreements, this agreement which was not negotiated but instead purely forced upon us, and to force us to fulfill it.


ドイツの仲間! 7 年短い期間、一人の人生のほんの一部は、全体の人々 の生活の中で 2 番目にやっと。そしてまだ過去 7 年間は、何とか過去の数十年を超えるようです。非常に重要な歴史的イベントはそれらの内で含まれている: 国家の再生は、以前の絶滅によって脅かされています。それは私


The friends of Germany! Short seven years is only a small part of one person's life, in the life of the whole people in second-last. And still last for seven years, somehow in the past few decades, more than like. Is a very important historical event is contained within them: State play the previously endangered


ドイツのお友達!7 年という短い期間は、最後から 2 番目の全体の人々 の生活の中で、一人の人生のほんの一部です。まだ 7 年間、何らかの形で過去数十年以上のように最後。非常に重要な歴史的イベントがそれらの内で含まれている: プレイ以前絶滅危惧状態


Friends of Germany! short period of seven years from the end is only a small part of one person's life, in the lives of the people of the whole of the second. Yet for seven years in some form over the past few decades, like last. A very important historical event is included within them: play previous extinction endangered status


ドイツの友人!最後から 7 年間の短い期間は、2 番目の全体の人々 の生活の中で、一人の人生のほんの一部です。まだ最後のように、過去数十年間何らかの形で 7 年間の非常に重要な歴史的イベントがそれらの内で含まれている: 以前の絶滅危惧種の絶滅状態を再生


Friend of Germany.-last short period of seven years is only a small part of one person's life, in the life of the people of the whole of the second. Over the past few decades, still last in the somehow included in those seven years very important historical events: the previous endangered species endangered status


ドイツの友人-7 年間の最後の短い期間は 2 番目の全体の人々 の生活の中で、一人の人生のほんの一部。まだ最後にどういうわけかこれらの 7 年間の非常に重要な歴史的イベントに含まれる、過去数十年間: 以前の絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧状態


Last short period of Germany friend - 7 years is only a small part of one person's life, in the life of the people of the whole of the second. Over the past several decades, still contained what the 7 years between these very important historical events: previously endangered endangered species extinction endangered status


最後の短い期間のドイツの友人 - 7 年間は、2 番目の全体の人々 の生活の中で、一人の人生のほんの一部です。過去数十年は、これらの非常に重要な歴史的なイベントの間どのような 7 年間をまだ含まれている: 以前絶滅絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅状態


Germany's short period of last friends - 7 years is just part of one person's life, in the life of the people of the whole of the second. Past decades that these very important historic event for any seven-year period still contains: formerly endangered endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered status


ラスト ・ フレンズ - のドイツの短い期間 7 年間、2 番目の全体の人々 の生活の中で、一人の人生のほんの一部。過去数十年の 7 年間のこれらの非常に重要な歴史的なイベントがまだ含まれている: 旧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種状態


Last friends - of Germany's short period for seven years in the lives of the people of the whole of the second is just part of one person's life. Still contains the past seven years for several decades, these very important historical events: formerly endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered endangered endangered species extinction crisis


ラスト ・ フレンズ - ドイツの 2 番目の全体の人々 の生活の中で 7 年間の短い期間は、一人の人生のほんの一部。まだ数十年、これらの非常に重要な歴史的な出来事の過去 7 年間が含まれています: 旧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種を危険にさらす


Life lust & friends - Germany second overall in seven years of short duration is only a small part of one person's life. That includes seven years past still decades, these very important historical events: formerly endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species extinction


ライフ ラスト ・ フレンズ - ドイツ第 2 全体的な短い持続期間の 7 年間では一人の人生のほんの一部。七年目まだ数十年、これらの非常に重要な歴史的なイベントが含まれています: 旧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種終了


Life lust & friends - Germany second only a small part of one person's life in an overall shorter duration for seven years. 7 years old still a few decades these very important historical events are included: formerly endangered endangered species endangered species endangered endangered endangered endangered species endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered endangered


ライフ ラスト ・ フレンズ - ドイツは 7 年間の全体的な短い期間で一人の人生のほんの一部を 2 番目します。7 歳はまだこれらの非常に重要な歴史的イベントが含まれる、数十年: 旧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種 e


Life lust & friends - Germany second only a small part of one person's life overall short period of seven years. Included 7-year-old yet those very important historical event, several decades: formerly endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered endangered endangered species endangered endangered species constantly


ドイツが全体的に短い一人の人生のほんの一部を第二ライフ ラスト ・ フレンズ - 7 年の期間。7 歳はまだこれらの非常に重要な歴史的なイベントが含まれて数十年には: 旧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧絶滅危惧 endang


Germany is only a small part of overall short life no. 2 life lust & friends-a period of 7 years. Yet these very important historic event included 7-year-old in the last few decades: formerly endangered endangered species endangered endangered endangered endangered species endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species


ドイツは全体的に短い人生第 2 の人生ラストのほんの一部・友人は 7 年の期間です。しかし、これらの非常に重要な歴史的なイベントは、最後の数十年で 7 歳を含まれている: 旧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧絶滅危惧種仕様


Germany is a 7-year period is only a small part of the overall short life second life last and friends. However, these very important historical events that have included 7-year-old in the last few decades: formerly endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species extinction


ドイツは 7 年間全体的な短い人生の第二の人生の一部分にしか最後と友人。しかし、最後の数十年で 7 歳を含まれているこれらの非常に重要な歴史的なイベント: 旧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種終了


Germany is only a part of a short life for seven years the overall second life end with friends. However, a 7-year-old in the last few decades, these very important historical events: formerly endangered endangered endangered endangered species endangered endangered endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered species


ドイツは、全体的な第二の人生終了の友人と 7 年間の短い人生の一部だけです。しかし、最後の数十年、これらの非常に重要な歴史的なイベントで 7 歳: 旧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧絶滅危惧種 s


Germany finished overall second life friends and is only part of the short life of seven years. However, the 7-year-old in the last few decades, these very important historic events: formerly endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species extinction


ドイツ全体を終えた第 2 の人生の友人と 7 年間の短い人生の一部のみです。しかし、最後の数十年、これらの非常に重要な歴史的なイベントで 7 歳: 旧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種を危険にさらす


Finished the whole Germany second life friends is only part of the short life of seven years. However, the 7-year-old in the last few decades, these very important historic events: formerly endangered endangered endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered species


完成した全体のドイツ第 2 生命友達は、7 年間の短い人生の一部のみです。しかし、最後の数十年、これらの非常に重要な歴史的なイベントで 7 歳: 旧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種 endange


Completed the whole Germany no. 2 life companion is only a portion of the short life of seven years. However, the 7-year-old in the last few decades, these very important historic events: formerly endangered endangered species endangered species endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered endangered endangered endangered


全体のドイツ第 2 生命友達は 7 年間の短い人生の部分だけ完成しました。しかし、最後の数十年、これらの非常に重要な歴史的なイベントで 7 歳: 旧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧絶滅危惧 spe


Germany no. 2 life companion of the completed portions of the short life of seven years. However, the 7-year-old in the last few decades, these very important historic events: formerly endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered endangered endangered spe


7 年間の短い人生の完了の部分のドイツ第 2 生命友達。しかし、最後の数十年、これらの非常に重要な歴史的なイベントで 7 歳: 旧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種遠田


Germany no. 2 life companion for part of the completion of the short life of seven years. However, the 7-year-old in the last few decades, these very important historic events: formerly endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered endangered endangered species endangered endangered species ENDA


7 年間の短い人生の完了の部分のドイツ第 2 生命友達。しかし、最後の数十年、これらの非常に重要な歴史的なイベントで 7 歳: 旧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種終了


Germany no. 2 life companion for part of the completion of the short life of seven years. However, the 7-year-old in the last few decades, these very important historic events: formerly endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species end


7 年間の短い人生の完了の部分のドイツ第 2 生命友達。しかし、最後の数十年、これらの非常に重要な歴史的なイベントで 7 歳: 旧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種


Germany no. 2 life companion for part of the completion of the short life of seven years. However, the 7-year-old in the last few decades, these very important historic events: formerly endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered species endangered endangered


7 年間の短い人生の完了の部分のドイツ第 2 生命友達。しかし、最後の数十年、これらの非常に重要な歴史的なイベントで 7 歳: 旧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種絶滅危惧種終了

Party is busted

it is unlikely that this phrase will ever reach equilibrium


10d ago

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