“Friens and feller workers. This is a time which tries de hearts of men. Dis is de time when we’se got to stick together like glue… We know wot we wants and we’ll git it even if we is blind.” This quote was attributed to Kid Blink, a leader of the 1899 newsboys’ (and girls’) labor strike. The newspaper reporters patronized the newsies’ specific accents and wrote the quotes as they heard them. The New York strike lasted for only a short two weeks but influenced working children all over the nation. Seeing the young newsboys of New York inspired children from everywhere to stand up for their rights. Disney’s Newsies is a film, directed by Kenny Ortega and produced by Michael Finnell, that tells the story of the newsies’ strike of 1899, with some “Disney embellishments.” Newsies tells the story of Jack Kelly, a fictional character and the leader of the strike. The film Newsies has many similarities and differences to the actual historical event that occurred in July 1899 and includes a thematic message of teamwork, brotherhood, and resoluteness. It was July 1899, about half a year after the Spanish-American War. America and Spain were fighting over what is now Central America. However, war expenses were and still are not inexpensive. So, inflation was common in most parts of America so businesses could earn what they did before the war. Specifically, New York, the most populated city in the United States which reached three-million citizens in 1900, faced severe inflation. In New York, and other large cities, newsies sold the local newspaper on the streets, shouting “Extra, extra!” In the morning, newsies would run and buy “papes” from the news wagons carrying the newspapers. A hundred newspapers would cost fifty cents. If one newsie didn’t sell all he bought, he would lose a lot of money. During the Spanish-American War, the price was raised to sixty cents because customers would pay more for new information about the war. After the Spanish-American War was over, most newspapers lowered their prices back down to fifty cents. However, William Randolph Hearst, the owner of the New York Journal, and Joseph Pulitzer, the owner of the New York World, kept the price of the papers at sixty cents, which cost the newsies a lot, because not many people would buy papers for ten extra cents, considering the war was over and the headlines weren’t intriguing to the people. The newsies were outraged by the price and, taking inspiration from other worker unions’ strikes at the time, such as the trolley workers’ strike, they decided to stop selling newspapers until Hearst and Pulitzer lowered the prices back to what they used to be. The strikers made a bold statement, saying “kill de guy wot sell de extry,” telling other strikers to punish those who didn't go along with the strike and kept buying and selling newspapers. They wreaked havoc in the New York streets, tearing apart the Journal and the World papers and flinging the shreds through the streets, beating u
「友達と仲間の労働者。これは男性の心を試す時です。これは、私たちが接着剤のようにくっつく必要があるときです.私たちは自分たちが欲しいと思っていることを知っています.この引用は、1899 年のニュースボーイ (および少女) の労働ストライキのリーダーであるキッド ブリンクによるものです。新聞記者はニュージーズを愛用した
"Friends and fellow workers. This is the time to test the hearts of men. This is the time when we need to stick together like glue. We know what we want." This quote refers to the leader of the newsboy (and girl) labor strike of 1899.
「友人や同僚の皆さん。今こそ男性の心を試す時です。接着剤のように団結する必要がある時です。私たちは自分たちが何を望んでいるかを知っています。」この引用は、1899 年の新聞配達員 (および少女) の労働ストライキのリーダーに言及しています。
"My friends and colleagues, it's time to test the hearts of men. It's time we need to unite like glue. We know what we want." , referring to the leaders of the 1899 Newsboy (and Girl) labor strike.
「友人や同僚の皆さん、男性の心を試す時が来ました。接着剤のように団結する必要がある時です。私たちは自分たちが何を望んでいるかを知っています。」 、1899年のニュースボーイ(およびガール)の労働ストライキの指導者に言及しています.
“Friends and colleagues, the time has come to test the hearts of men, the time when we must unite like glue. We know what we want.”, 1899. It refers to the leader of the Newsboy (and Girl) labor strike of the year.
「友人や同僚の皆さん、人々の心を試す時が来ました。接着剤のように団結しなければならない時です。これは、その年のニュースボーイ (およびガール) の労働ストライキのリーダーを指します。
"My friends and colleagues, it's time to test the hearts of the people. It's time we must unite like glue. This refers to the newsboy (and girl) labor strike leader of the year. increase.
「友人や同僚の皆さん、人々の心を試す時が来ました。接着剤のように団結しなければならない時が来ました。これは、今年のニュースボーイ (および少女) の労働ストライキのリーダーを指します。増加.
“My friends and colleagues, it's time to test the hearts of the people. It's time we must unite like glue. refers to the increase.
"My friends and colleagues, it's time to test the hearts of the people. It's time we must unite like glue. It means increase.
"My friends and colleagues, it's time to test the hearts of the people. It's time we must unite like glue. It means increase.
That's deep, man.