For an hour and a half, JJ pondered about what he should get for Sharbe. Maybe a Misfits vinyl, maybe a choker? A tattoo? A couple piercings? Who knows what he wants? Then, after maybe 15 or so minutes it seemed, JJ arrived back home with boxes of items. He placed them in a location where Sharbe would not be able to find them, but then, all of a sudden, a cold shiver went down his spine. He realized that Chrismukkah wasn’t about presents and the trees and the menorah, but it was about something else. He just couldn’t put his finger on it. JJ knew one of his friends could tell him the true meaning of Chrismukkah; King Geedorah, as he called himself, his real name is Daniel Dumile, that’s just his made up persona. While he was trying to find King Geedorah, it started to rain, and soon, JJ was running and trying to find him. He tried to call him, but he wasn’t getting any reception. Soon, he finally found King Geedorah, only he was sitting underneath a bridge. JJ brushed a strand of cobweb away from his shoulder.
1 時間半の JJ は彼が Sharbe を取得する必要があります考えた。多分ミスフィッツのビニール、多分チョーカーですか。タトゥーですか。カップル ピアス? 人は彼が望むものを知っていますか。その後、多分 15 かそこら分だった後 JJ 家に到着しました項目のボックスで。彼は Sharbe では、それらが、その後、s のすべてを見つけることができない場所にそれらを配置
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