Translated Labs


Flynote : Sleutelwoorde Nalatigheid ­ Aksie om skadevergoeding ­ Verdeling van skadevergoeding ­ Eis ten behoewe van 'n infantia maior ­ Voorafgaande ondersoek oor toerekeningsvatbaarheid van kind moet subjektief benader word ­ Vraag oor vermindering van F skadevergoeding waar bydraende nalatigheid aan kant van kind vasgestel is ­ Buigsame benadering aangewese. Nalatigheid ­ Wat uitmaak ­ Slegs een abstrakte, objektiewe standaard van toepassing, naamlik dié van die diligens paterfamilias. Headnote : Kopnota Waar dit gaan oor die vraag of 'n kind culpae capax is, moet daarteen gewaak word om "an old head on young shoulders" te plaas. Dit wil voorkom asof daar tot dusver te geredelik aanvaar is, bloot op grond van 'n kind se skoling, dat hy 'n genoegsame rypheid en graad van ontwikkeling bereik het om sy eie irrasionele of impulsiewe dade te beheer. As die kind se doen en late gemeet gaan word aan die maatstaf van die volwassene, moet daar gevra word of hy ryp genoeg is om tov die betrokke situasie aan daardie maatstaf te voldoen. Die vraag of 'n infantia maior toerekeningsvatbaar is moet subjektief benader word deur vas te stel of die kind se geestesvermoëns op die betrokke stadium sodanig ontwikkel was dat hy oor die onderskeidingsvermoë beskik het om die geoorloofdheid al dan nie van sy handeling te besef en dienooreenkomstig op te tree. Waar die toerekeningsvatbaarheid van die kind reeds vasgestel is, en nalatigheid bepaal moet word, is daar slegs een abstrakte objektiewe maatstaf van toepassing, naamlik die Hof se oordeel van wat redelik is, omdat die Hof hom in die posisie van die diligens paterfamilias plaas. Semble: As bevind word dat 'n verweerder nalatig was, maar die kind­eiser toerekeningsvatbaar en self ook nalatig was, dan ontstaan die vraag in watter mate die kind se skadevergoeding verminder behoort te word. As die verweerder behoort te besef dat hy met die onbesonne optrede van 'n kind moet rekening hou en sy nalatigheid oa daarin bestaan dat hy dit nie gedoen het nie, volg dit dat sy graad van nalatigheid hoër moet wees as die van die kind ­ anders sou dit paradoksaal wees dat die kind gepenaliseer moet word vir presies die optrede waarteen die verweerder moes gewaak het. Quaere: Die in die algemeen onbevredigende resultate wat die matematiese afweging van grade van nalatigheid (soos voorgeskryf in Jones NO v Santam Bpk 1965 (2) SA 542 (A)) oplewer waar dit gaan om 'n kind teenoor 'n volwassene, moet daaraan toegeskryf word dat die opweging te star is. 'n Opweging van verwytbaarheid sou geredeliker tot bevredigende oplossings kon kom. Moontlik kan nog in die rigting beweeg word. Die beslissing in die Suidoos­Kaapse Plaaslike Afdeling in Weber v Santamversekeringsmaatskappy Bpk omvergewerp. Flynote : Sleutelwoorde Negligence ­ Action for damages ­ Apportionment of damages ­ Claim on behalf of infantia maior ­ Prior enquiry into whether child is culpae capax to be approached subjectively ­ Question of reduction of damages where contributory negligence on part of child is established ­ Flexible approach indicated. Negligence ­ What constitutes ­ Only one abstract objective standard applies, namely that of the diligens paterfamilias. Headnote : Kopnota Where the issue is whether or not a child is culpae capax, care should be taken not to place "an old head on young shoulders". It would appear that it has thus far been too readily accepted, purely on the ground of a child's 1983 (1) SA p382 training, that he has attained a sufficient degree of development and maturity to control his irrational or impulsive acts. If the child's acts and omissions are to be measured against the standard of the adult, it must be asked whether he is sufficiently mature in regard to the situation at issue to comply with that standard. The question of the accountability of an infantia maior must be approached subjectively by determining whether the child's emotional and intellectual capacity had, at the relevant stage, developed to such a degree that he had sufficient discretion to distinguish between permissible and impermissible conduct and to act accordingly. Where the accountability of the child has already been established, and negligence must be established, only one abstract, objective standard applies, namely the Court's judgment as to what is reasonable, because the Court places itself in the position of the diligens paterfamilias. Semble: If it is found that the defendant was negligent, but that the child­plaintiff was accountable and also negligent, then the question of the degree to which the child's damages ought to be reduced arises. If the defendant should have realized that he had to take into account the heedless conduct of a child, and if his negligence lies, inter alia, in his failure to do so, it would follow that his degree of negligence must be higher than that of the child ­ otherwise it would be paradoxical that the child must be penalised for precisely that conduct which the defendant should have guarded against. Quaere: The generally unsatisfactory results of the mathematical assessment of degrees of negligence (as prescribed in Jones NO v Santam Bpk 1965 (2) SA 542 (A)) in cases concerning children vis­à­vis adults, must be ascribed to the fact that such an assessment is too inflexible. An assessment of blameworthiness would more readily yield satisfactory results. Perhaps one can still move in this direction. The decision in the South Eastern Cape Loc


Flynote : キーワード 過失 損害賠償請求 損害賠償額の配分 幼児の未成年者に代わって請求 子供の帰責性に関する事前調査は主観的に行われなければならない 子供の側の寄与過失が確立された場合の F 損害賠償の減額に関する質問 柔軟な b


Flynote: Keywords Negligence Claim for damages Allocation of damages Claim on behalf of a minor child Preliminary investigation into the child's attribution must be carried out subjectively Questions regarding reduction of damages when contributory negligence on the part of the child is established Flexible b


フライノート:キーワード 過失 損害賠償請求 損害賠償の分配 未成年者を代表した請求 子供の帰属に関する予備調査は主観的に行う必要がある 子供の過失が立証された場合の損害賠償の減額に関する疑問 柔軟なb


Flynote: Keywords Negligence Claim for damages Allocation of damages Claim on behalf of minor Preliminary investigation on attribution of child must be subjective Doubts regarding reduction of damages when negligence of child is proved Flexible b


フライノート:キーワード 過失 損害賠償請求 損害賠償の分配 未成年者を代表した請求 子供の帰属に関する予備調査は主観的でなければならない 子供の過失が証明された場合の損害賠償の減額に関する疑問 柔軟なb


Flynote: Keywords Negligence Claim for damages Allocation of damages Claim on behalf of minor Preliminary investigation on attribution of child must be subjective Doubts regarding reduction of damages when negligence of child is proven Flexible b


フライノート:キーワード 過失 損害賠償請求 損害賠償の分配 未成年者を代表した請求 子供の帰属に関する予備調査は主観的でなければならない 子供の過失が証明された場合の損害賠償の減額に関する疑問 柔軟なb


Flynote: Keywords Negligence Claim for damages Allocation of damages Claim on behalf of minor Preliminary investigation on attribution of child must be subjective Doubts regarding reduction of damages when negligence of child is proven Flexible b

Equilibrium found!

Well done, yes, well done!


25m ago

You may want to crash these parties too
