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First Nations Essay By Luke Golightly When the Europeans first arrived in North America they encountered the Indiginous people who had already settled on the land for years before they arrived to the new land The Europeans saw the Native People as a threat to their culture that they brought with them across the ocean, and tried to get rid of them The were relentless in changing the Indiginous People by restricting their movement, removing their culture by reinstructing their children and manipulating treaties for their own gain Through aggressive and relentless means, over the course of many years, the Europeans, and soon the Canandian Government almost eliminated the Indiginous People and their culture For years the Canadian Government removed Indigenous People from their culture which was an aggressive form of assimilation The children of Indiginous people were ripped from their families and sent to residential schools with the aim to make them more like the rest of Canadian society As it says in the video, Where Are the Children?: “Between 1831 and 1996, residential schools operated in Canada through arrangements between the Government of Canada and the Roman Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, United and Presbyterian churches” (Where are the children) The action that groups such as the christion church took as leaders was a demonstration of them wanting to eliminate the Indiginous culture Intentionally interrupting the generational passing down of traditions, language and culture made it impossible for Indiginous youth to learn from their parents Over time, this had a devastating impact on their communities and divided and destroyed families and traditions An additional way that the Indigenous people were aggressively denied their cultural rights was through cultural deprevativation This is when an Indiginous person only maintained their band rights based on their male lineage in their family Also, if they married a white person, they lost their status and rights as an Indiginous person (University of British Columbia) Here are three examples, of how Indiginous culture was aggressively snuffed out First, children were robbed of growing up in their culture, and secondly women only maintained their culture because of their fathers and could lose it if they married another Band further if a indiginous person wanted to become a professional, such as a doctor or lawyer, they had to give up their native status (Creating Canada page 177) These actions resulted in Indiginous people losing their rights, culture, and treaties that were meant to protect them The Indigious people, who were in North America first and initially were much more powerful than the Europeans, were tricked out of their land, which was another form of aggressive assimilation The newly arrived Europeans used deliberate strategies to trick the Indigenous people out of their land and territories such as the Two Row Wampum in 1613 The Two Row Wampum was one of the oldest treaty relationships in Canada that outlined that the two nations would stay out of each other's internal affairs but would still work around each other (Briarpatch Magazine) When the Europeans arrived, they lulled the Indiginous people into a false sense of security by saying things like: “We shall each travel the river together side by side, but in our own boat Neither of us will make compulsory laws nor interfere in the internal affairs of the other Neither of us will try to steer the other’s vessel”- The Haudenosaunee , 1613 (Briarpatch Magazine) Yet a century and a half after the Two Row Wampum was agreed to, there was a Royal Proclamation in 1763 that all land to the west was going to belong to the Indiginous people, under the protection of the King (University of British Columbia) Not long after the Royal Proclamation was announced, squatters moved onto the protected land, even though it was supposed to be the Indiginous people’s land and were not punished for it and were allowed to stay and settle (Muszak 8) Even though the Two Row Wampum was agreed to the Europeans manipulated the treaties to work in European favour This was deceptive because it went against the treaties that were created between the two groups and devalued the Indiginous People and their rights to land This is an example of how the Indiginous people were assimilated into the new Canadian culture through deceit and trickery The Indiginous People were aggressively assimilated as the Canadian Government created laws and policies that made being a Canadian more appealing to the Indiginous people The Government did this by making it harder to live on reservations as an Indiginous Person, with scarce resources, and a harder life As an Indiginous Person living on a reservation, it was illegal for you to leave without written approval from the Indian Agent (Muszak 19) This means that the Indigious people were stuck in a small area, and often with poor food and resources, restricted in their movement to get more This made maintaining their culture difficult People thought that indigenous day schools were not good, because when the children went home, they still learned and spoke indigenous languages (Muszak 21) Even with indigenous day schools with the youth spending only four hours at school, and twenty hours at home, it was not effective at removing the Indigenous Culture and knowledge from them It is because of this the conditions on the reservations were set up to make changing from an Indian to a Canadian more appealing, causing the indigenous population to dwindle It was either stay on the Reserve and be cut off from the rest of Canada, the hunting lands and water; or leave the Reserve and flourish as a Canadian The Indigenous People really didn’t have a choice In closing, even though the Europeans made treaties with the Indigenous people indicating that they would be equals, this turned out to be quite the opposite of what happened The Europeans were relentless in changing the Indiginous People by restricting their movement, removing their culture by reinstructing their children and manipulating treaties for their own gain Even though the Indiginous People opened their arms to the new European Settlers into their land, the settlers turned their backs on the Indiginous people and took advantage of their kindness and hospitality




First Nations essay by Luke Golightly When Europeans first arrived in North America, they met the merciless people who had settled on the land for years before arriving at the new land. With them over the sea, trying to drive them away




When the first country essay Europeans by Luke Golightly arrived in North America for the first time, they met the merciless people who had settled on the land for years before arriving at the new land. Trying to get rid of them on the sea




When the Europeans of the first country essay by Luke Golitery arrived in North America for the first time, they met the merciless people who had settled on the land for years before arriving at the new land. Trying to remove them at sea




When the Europeans of the first country essay by Luke Gorry first arrived in North America, they met the merciless people who had settled on the land for years before arriving at the new land. Trying to remove them at sea




When the Europeans of the first country essay by Luke Gorley first arrived in North America, they met unrelenting people who had settled on the land for years before arriving at the new land. Trying to remove them at sea




When the Europeans of the first country essay by Luke Gorry first arrived in North America, they met unrelenting people who had settled on the land for years before arriving at the new land. Trying to remove them at sea




When the Europeans of the first country essay by Luke Gorley first arrived in North America, they met unrelenting people who settled on the land for years before arriving at the new land. Trying to remove them at sea




When the Europeans of the first country essay by Luke Gorley first arrived in North America, they met unrelenting people who settled on the land for years before arriving at the new land. Trying to remove them at sea

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