Digital and analog filters both have their own benefits. It is important to understand the restricting to pick which filter is better for the job. Analog filters benefit from a better dynamic range in both amplitude and frequency. Analog filters cost is “Higher, it depends on analog components used in the design” (RF wireless world, n.d.) so it is cheaper to use digital filters. For a digital filter the amplitude dynamic range for “a 12 bit ADC has a saturation level of 4095, and an rms quantization noise of 0.29 digital numbers, for a dynamic range of about 14000” (Smith, 1997) comparatively a standard op amp has “a dynamic range of about ten million” (Smith, 1997). The analog easily beats the digital in this example. For frequency dynamic range “it is easy to design an op amp circuit to simultaneously handle frequencies between 0.01 Hz and 100 kHz (seven decades). When this is tried with a digital system, the computer becomes swamped with data” (Smith, 1997). The analog filters have a worse electronic component stability and gain accuracy than its digital alternative this is because each component within an analog system (such as resistors and capacitors) can add inaccuracy and instability.
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