Design and Build a Water Rocket Pg. 692 - 693 Problem Can you design and build a rocket propelled by water and compressed air? Materials Large round balloon Tap water graduated cylinder Modeling clay 50 paper clips in a plastic bag Empty 2-liter soda bottle Poster board Scissors Hot glue gun or tape Bucket, 5 gallons Stopwatch Rocket launcher and tire pump (one per class) Procedure: PART 1: Copy the data table in the book onto a google doc. In an outdoor area approved by your teacher, blow up a large round balloon. Hold the balloon so the opening is pointing down. Release the balloon and observe what occurs. Measure 50 mL of water with a graduated cylinder. Pour the water into the balloon. Blow it up to about the same size as the balloon in step 2. Hold the opening down and release the balloon. Observe what happens. Repeat step 3 twice, varying the amount of water each time. Record your observations in the data table. PART 2: You and a partner will design and build a water rocket using the materials provided and approved by your teacher. Your rocket must: Be made from an empty 2-liter soda bottle Have fins and a removable nose cone Carry a load of 50 paper clips Use air only or a mixture of air and water as a propulsion system Be launched on the class rocket launcher Remain in the air for at least 5 seconds Begin by thinking about how your rocket will work and how you would like it to look. Sketch your design and make a list of materials that you will need. Rockets often have a set of fins to stabilize them in flight. Consider the best shape for fins, and decide how many find your rocket needs. Use a poster board to make your fins. Decide how to safely and securely carry a load of 50 paper clips in your rocket. Based on what you learned in part 1, decide how much, if any, water to pour into your rocket. After you obtain your teachers approval, build your rocket. PART 3: Test your rocket by launching it on the rocket launcher provided by your teacher. Make sure that the rocket is launched vertically in a safe, open area that is at least 30 m across. All observers should wear goggles and stay at least 8-10 m away from the rocket launcher. The rocket should be pumped to a pressure of no more than 50 pounds per square inch. Use a stopwatch to determine your rocket's flight time (how long it stays in the air). Record in a data table the results of your own launch and your classmates launches. Compare your design and results with those of your classmates. Analyze and Conclude What did you observe about the motion of the balloon as more and more water was added? What purpose did adding water to the balloon serve? How did your results in part 1 affect your decision about how much water, if any, to add to your rocket? Did your rocket meet all the criteria listed in step 5? Explain. How did your rocket design compare to the rockets built by your classmates? Which rocket had the greatest flight time? What design features resulted in the most successful launches? Based on your launch results and your response to Question 5, explain how you could improve your rocket. How do you think these changes would help your rocket's performance? Explain how an understanding of rocket propulsion has made space travel possible.
水ロケットの設計と製作 Pg. 692 - 693 問題 水と圧縮空気で推進するロケットを設計して製造できますか?材料 大きな丸い風船 水道水のメスシリンダー モデリング粘土 ビニール袋に入れたクリップ 50 本 空の 2 リットルのソーダボトル ポスターボード ハサミ ホットグルーガンまたはテープ バケツ、5 ガロン ストップウォッチ ロケット
Designing and Building a Water Rocket Pg. 692 - 693 Question Can you design and build a rocket that is propelled by water and compressed air? Materials Large round balloon Graduated cylinder of tap water Modeling clay 50 clips in a plastic bag Empty 2 liter soda bottle poster board scissors hot
水ロケットの設計と製作 Pg. 692 - 693 質問 水と圧縮空気によって推進されるロケットを設計および製造できますか?材料 大きな丸い風船 水道水のメスシリンダー モデリング粘土 ビニール袋に入ったクリップ 50個 空の 2 リットルのソーダボトル ポスターボード用のはさみ ホット
Water Rocket Design and Build Pg. 692 - 693 Question Can you design and build a rocket that is propelled by water and compressed air? Materials Large round balloon Graduated cylinder of tap water Modeling clay 50 clips in a plastic bag Empty 2 liter soda bottle for poster board
水ロケットの設計と製作のページ692 - 693 質問 水と圧縮空気によって推進されるロケットを設計および製造できますか?材料 大きな丸い風船 水道水のメスシリンダー 模型用粘土 ビニール袋に入ったクリップ 50個 ポスターボード用の空の 2 リットル炭酸飲料ボトル
Water Rocket Design and Build Pages 692 - 693 Q Can you design and build a rocket that is propelled by water and compressed air? Materials Large round balloon Graduated cylinder of tap water Modeling clay 50 clips in a plastic bag Poster Empty 2 liter soda bottles for board
水ロケットの設計と製作 ページ 692 ~ 693 Q 水と圧縮空気で推進するロケットの設計と製作はできますか?材料 大きな丸い風船 水道水のメスシリンダー 模型用粘土 ビニール袋に入ったクリップ 50 本 ポスター ボード用の空の 2 リットルソーダボトル
Designing and building a water rocket Page 692-693 Q Can you design and build a rocket that is propelled by water and compressed air?Materials Large round balloon Tap water graduated cylinder Clay for modeling 50 clips in a plastic bag Poster board Empty 2 liter soda bottle for
水ロケットの設計と製作 ページ 692-693 Q 水と圧縮空気で推進するロケットの設計と製作はできますか? 材料 大きな丸い風船 水道水のメスシリンダー 模型用の粘土 ビニール袋に入ったクリップ 50 本 ポスターボード 空の 2 リットルのソーダのボトル
Designing and building a water rocket Page 692-693 Q Can you design and build a rocket that is propelled by water and compressed air? Board Empty 2 liter soda bottle
水ロケットの設計と製作 692~693ページ Q 水と圧縮空気で推進するロケットの設計と製作はできますか?空の 2 リットルのソーダボトルをボードに貼り付ける
Design and manufacture of water rocket Pages 692-693 Q Can you design and manufacture a rocket propelled by water and compressed air? Stick an empty 2 liter soda bottle on the board
水ロケットの設計・製作 P692~693 Q 水と圧縮空気で推進するロケットの設計・製作はできますか?空の2リットルのソーダボトルをボードに貼り付けます
Design and manufacture of water rockets P692~693 Q Can you design and manufacture rockets that are propelled by water and compressed air? Stick an empty 2 liter soda bottle on the board
水ロケットの設計・製作 P692~693 Q 水と圧縮空気で推進するロケットの設計・製作はできますか?空の2リットルのソーダボトルをボードに貼り付けます
Design and manufacture of water rockets P692~693 Q Can you design and manufacture rockets that are propelled by water and compressed air? Stick an empty 2 liter soda bottle on the board
That's deep, man.