Deipnophobia is “a morbid fear of dinner parties.” We all have it occasionally, especially when the in-laws are involved. The Oxford English Dictionary lists it alongside deipnodiplomatic, which means “inviting people round to dinner in order to patch up an argument.” They both come from the Ancient Greek deipnon, which just meant dinner. But one of the joys of the hidden corners of the dictionary is all the words that English has constructed from ancient languages. The next entry is for deipnosophist, which is “somebody who talks wisely over dinner.”
Deipnophobia は「ディナー パーティーの病的な恐怖」です。我々 はすべてそれがある場合によっては、法律が関与している場合は特に。オックスフォード英語辞典に「招待ラウンド夕食に引数を修正するために.」を意味する deipnodiplomatic と一緒に表示されます。両者はちょうど夕食を意味する古代ギリシャ語の deipnon から来る。B
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