Dear and respectfully Ingrid, and remembering our more than 10 years of very good collaborations in many serious publications, in particular FLAIRS Conferences, I am very please to receive yours many invitations to the next FLAIRS conference, in particular because I am in the scientific committee. But, it seems that there are some problems with your President in USA, specially in Florida state. Because of my French nationally, and in fact EU member, I presume problems at the entrance in USA, as the French government warning. So, I have to affirm my very and unconditional appartenance to the French county: that is to said "I am French and white, Roman Catholic, Christian, but this mean that I am human being of all the world: I am Islamic, Jewish, Buddhism and everything else in the conditions that we speak about every serious conceptions of the creation, ways of being and future of the Earth". Please, Dear and respectfully friend and very good collaborator, I beg your pardon to write something like that. But there are some truths that what I must say. Best regards, and with all my respects,
親愛なると丁重に、イングリッドと私たち 10 年以上多くの深刻な出版物で非常に良いコラボレーションを思い出して特に FLAIRS 会議、私は非常にご招待を受信するあなた多く次 FLAIRS 会議に特に科学委員会でです。 しかし、それは y いくつかの問題があるようです。
That didn't even make that much sense in English.