Cocona, a cautious middle school girl, encounters an eccentric and headstrong girl named Papika. Together, they end up traveling to strange worlds known as Pure Illusion, where they must retrieve mysterious, amorphous fragments said to grant wishes. As Cocona and Papika gather these fragments for the Flip Flap organization, they come up against Cocona's childhood friend Yayaka, who is seeking the fragments for Flip Flap's rival, Asclepius, allegedly bent on world conquest. As both organizations collide, Cocona learns more about the world than she thought possible.
ココナ、慎重な中学生の女の子は出会いという名前の Papika 偏心、わがままな女の子です。一緒に、彼らは願いを叶えては、神秘的な非晶質の断片を取得する必要があります彼らの純粋な錯覚として知られている不思議な世界への旅を終了します。Coc にぶつかるココナと Papika は、フリップ フラップ組織にこれらの断片を収集、
You should move to Japan!