Clannad: After Story, the sequel to the critically acclaimed slice-of-life series Clannad, begins after Tomoya Okazaki and Nagisa Furukawa graduate from high school. Together, they experience the emotional rollercoaster of growing up. Unable to decide on a course for his future, Tomoya learns the value of a strong work ethic and discovers the strength of Nagisa's support. Through the couple's dedication and unity of purpose, they push forward to confront their personal problems, deepen their old relationships, and create new bonds. Time also moves on in the Illusionary World. As the plains grow cold with the approach of winter, the Illusionary Girl and the Garbage Doll are presented with a difficult situation that reveals the World's true purpose. Based on the visual novel by Key and produced by Kyoto Animation, Clannad: After Story is an impactful drama highlighting the importance of family and the struggles of adulthood.
クラナド: 絶賛のスライス ・ オブ ・ ライフ シリーズ、Clannad の続編の話の後に、岡崎朋也と古河渚が高校を卒業後を開始します。一緒に、彼らは成長する感情的なジェット コースターを経験します。智也の強い仕事の倫理の大切さを学んでし、力を増強を発見、彼の将来のコースを決定することができません。
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