Translated Labs


CHAPTER ONE FINDING GOLD FRIENDS. "HIDDENAISLE INSTITUTE est.1967" THE SCHOOL FOR THE SPECIAL." That's what the announcer said over the intercom, but he said something else. "And welcome our new students, Megan Johnson, Sofia Might, Felix Power, Jenny Tulip and Amy Holiday. I doubled back at the sound of Amy Holiday, because I had had a friend called Amy that died in front of me in an abandoned old dock in New Jersey. It was a war zone when I had arrived at the factory. Amy was covered in her own blood as well as some of the other people around her. Just before she died while I cradled her in my hands, she said: "I love you." I finished daydreaming when Jock bumped in to me and I was lucky I caught the first class of the day, I walked to the first class History. I walked into the classroom and sat down. The teacher started talking when everyone had calmed down and said: " Welcome class, welcome to history! This semester I'll be teachin y'all as a class subject about the history of all y'all family." Everyone started laughing at her southern accent. Excluding me. She continued by saying: "So I want y'all to sign these here sheets, and give them back to me by the end of this gosh darn lesson, ok?" Everyone nodded in agreement. When everyone had finished writing she came around and picked them up and said, "Gosh darn it, well all of y'all families have gone to this wonderful school, and there's also a special student here, the Grandson of the founder of this institute, Felix Power the second!" My ears twitched at the sound of my name, everyone then turned to look at me and I realized that Megan, Sofia, Amy and Jenny were behind me. I saw my cousin come in late. He was like a brother to me. I beckoned him over and he sat down. "Ivor, why are you late?" I said In a hushed voice. "Well, I was at my girlfriend's house yesterday and I forgot my books." "Ooooookay...." "Hey! Don't get any Ideas, okay?!" "Okay, I won't." The lesson continued normally, but people kept on glancing at me then looking away when I glanced back at them. DING, DONG, DING, DONG. Everyone got up and started leaving. When I got up, Amy came up to me and said: "Hello, Felix. It's been a loooong time." I stood in awe, maybe my best friend Amy is alive. "H-h-how....are you a-alive." "I was saved by your dad." "Wait, WHAT!?" "He's still alive?" "Yep." A wave of joy and relief swept over me as I hugged Amy and she hugged me back. She kissed me unexpectedly and I was confused but happy. She was looking at me with this look. I started talking about what happened after she died and she kept on answering me with: "I know." I walked towards my dorm with Amy to my side. I woke up with a start, Amy was next to me sleeping. I don't know how or when she got there. All I remembered is that she came into my dorm room and we only had one drink. She said goodnight and left. I got up and went to the bathroom to change clothes and she came bursting in saying there was some weirdo outside and talking about hurting her if she left the dorm. Anything from there onwards is a blur. I got up and went to the bathroom, I took off my clothes and started the shower. I got in. I think, no I contemplate what happened last night. Then a wave of embarrassment hit me. I let her get into the bed because my couch hadn't arrived yet so I let her sleep in the bed with me. I heard a rumbling sound "Amy? Is that you?" "Yep, why?" "I was wondering if anyone else had come in." "No, hey by the way do you know what happened last night." "Yeah I do, and it's a long story." I put on my shoes and got up, locked the door and went outside. Amy said she had something to show me. She did have something to show me and it was a sword with my name in it. It was weird because they said that the founder of this school, Felix Power the First. Had a legendary sword. It was supposed to be locked up behind an "indestructible" display case, but I guess it's not indestructible. I told Amy that we should go and return the sword and she agreed. On the way to the main building we bumped into Megan Johnson. She was running away from something. I turned around and saw A GIANT ANT HILL. At first I thought I was dreaming, then I saw Amy move toward the ant hill with disgust. I tried to move toward but I was paralyzed by pure awe. The ant hill was mostly made out of earth plus bits of the pavement and it was about 20 stories high. It was beautiful and disgusting at the same time. I took the sword from Amy and ran towards the ant hill. I expected a whole army of normal ants coming out but no, it was worse. It was one GIANT RED ANT. I stopped in my tracks when I saw this weird sign on the ant's head. My eyes turned gold and blue at the sight of the seal. The seal was a dark crimson red. I got hit with a wave of warmth and the world changed color as the sky was red, the ground was blue, humans, dogs, cats and airplanes turned completely purple and stopped moving. Everyone stopped except Amy and Megan, but they stood in awe at the size of the ant. I moved towards the beastly ant and it attacked. I dodged its giant claws filled with dirt and rooting food, if the humans around me were moving they would have had their last words in those claws. Its grotesque body was pumping with energy like it was shocked by it. "Felix!" "Amy what's wrong?" "Megan just FAINTED!" "Ok stop shouting your right next to me." My ears rang from Amy's screaming. I stared at Amy with admiration and friendship. I helped her carry Megan to the nearby gym and went outside again. Me and Amy looked at the Ant and then at each other. We knew that this was going to kill us, but we didn't care.


第1章ゴールドフレンズを知る。 "HIDDENAISLE INSTITUTE est.1967"スペシャルスクール "アナウンサーがインターコムを介して言ったことですが、彼は別のことを言っています"そして、新しい学生、Megan Johnson、Sofia Might、Felix Power、Jenny Tulip、Amy Holiday 。私はエイミーホリデーの音で倍増した


Chapter 1 Learning about Gold Friends. "HIDDENAISLE INSTITUTE est.1967" Special School "What the announcer said via intercom, he is doing another thing" And the new student, Megan Johnson, Sofia Might, Felix Power, Jenny Tulip, Amy Holiday. I am Amy Holi


第1章ゴールドフレンズについて学ぶ。 「HIDDENAISLE INSTITUTE est.1967」特別学校「アナウンサーがインターホンで何を言ったか、彼は別のことをやっている」と新しい学生、メガン・ジョンソン、ソフィア・マイト、フェリックス・パワー、ジェニー・チューリップ、エイミー・ホリデー。私はAmy Holiです

Party is busted

it is unlikely that this phrase will ever reach equilibrium


11d ago

You may want to crash these parties too
