Before getting a reel mower, you should be aware of their pros and cons. In the hands of the wrong person, a reel mower will be nothing but a hair-pulling frustration, and you may find yourself pining for the days of a noisy, smelly gas mower. Simply put, a reel mower is not a direct replacement for a gas mower. While such tools are good for the overall health of the lawn (as well as the person pushing them) and need little maintenance, they require much greater diligence in keeping to a mowing schedule, and they work best for small, flat lawns. Any deviation from that can start to cause problems.
リール芝刈り機を取得する前に、長所と短所を認識できる必要があります。間違った人の手に巻き枠の芝刈り機は何もされますが、髪を引っ張る不満と騒々しい、臭いガス芝刈り機の日のために追悼自身を見つけるかもしれない。簡単に言えば、リール芝刈り機はガス芝刈り機の直接交換ではないです。一方、このようなツールは、ov に適しています
You should move to Japan!