Azumanga Daioh chronicles the everyday life in an unnamed Japanese high school of six girls and two of their teachers: child prodigy Chiyo Mihama and her struggle to fit in with girls five years older; reserved Sakaki and her obsession with the cute animals who seem to hate her; spacey Ayumu "Osaka" Kasuga with a skewed perspective on the world; Koyomi "Yomi" Mizuhara's aggravation at an annoying best friend; Tomo Takino, whose energy is rivaled only by her lack of sense; sporty Kagura and her one-sided athletics rivalry with Sakaki; their homeroom teacher Yukari Tanizaki; and her friend, physical education teacher Minamo "Nyamo" Kurosawa.
あずまんが大王は、6人の女の子と2人の教師の無名の日本の高等学校で日常生活を記録しています。子どもの天才美浜さんと5歳以上の女の子との闘い。彼女を嫌っているようなかわいい動物たちとの坂木と彼女の執念、宇宙あゆむ「大阪」春日は、世界に歪曲した視点を持ち、 Ko
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