atural Language Processing is often taught within the confines of a single-semester course at advanced undergraduate level or postgraduate level. Many instructors have found that it is difficult to cover both the theoretical and practical sides of the subject in such a short span of time. Some courses focus on theory to the exclusion of practical exercises, and deprive students of the challenge and excitement of writing programs to automatically process language. Other courses are simply designed to teach programming for linguists, and do not manage to cover any significant NLP content. NLTK was originally developed to address this problem, making it feasible to cover a substantial amount of theory and practice within a single-semester course, even if students have no prior programming experience.
自然言語処理は頻繁に教えられるで単一学期コースの範囲内で学部レベルを高度なまたは大学院レベル。多くの指導者は、時間のような短いスパンで主題の理論的・実用的な側面をカバーすることは困難であるを発見しました。いくつかのコースが実用的な e を排除する理論に集中します。
Natural language processing is frequently taught in within the range of a single semester courses at undergraduate level advanced or graduate level. Many leaders is difficult to cover the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject matter in a short span of time has been found. Some courses are practical e.
自然言語処理は、学部レベルの高度なまたは大学院レベルで単一の学期のコースの範囲内で頻繁に行われます。多くの指導者は短い主題の理論的・実用的な側面をカバーすることは困難、時間のスパンが発見されています。いくつかのコースは、実用的な e です。
You should move to Japan!