Arrius was saying “hadvantage,” whenever he wished to say “Advantage,” and he was saying “ambushes” “hambushes,” And then he was hoping himself to have spoken wonderfully, How much he had said “hambushes” whenever he had been able. I believe, thus his mother, thus his free uncle, Thus his maternal grandfather and grandmother had spoken. With this man having been sent into Syria, the ears of all rested: They were hearing these same things more softly and more lightly, Nor after that were they fearing such words, When suddenly a horrible message is brought: The Ionian waves, after Arrius had gone there, Now not to be Ionian but Hionian.
アリウスは、「利点」を言うことを望んだ彼と彼が言っていた「待ち伏せ」"hambushes、"と、彼は彼ができたときに、彼は"hambushes"を言っていたどれだけ素晴れらしく、話されている彼自身を期待していたときに「hadvantage」と言っていた。 私は信じて、従って彼の母、こうして無料叔父、従って彼の母方の祖父と祖母 ha
ARIUS had said he wished to say the "benefits" and his "ambush" "hambushes," and when he did he was, when he himself has spoken in Nice, just had to say "hambushes" which was hoping to " hadvantage "and had to say. Therefore, I believe his
Yes! You've got it man! You've got it