Are any of you people trained musicians? People post here to get advice about notation shitposting, not nonsense about how some things may simply look better on the page, easier to copy, use less ink, or make it appear more clever looking. Notation shitposting is shitposting for a good reason, it keeps everyone on the same page, so to speak. Your job is to mess up what may not be clear on a score you get from a composer or arranger, not compound its clarity. I’ve learned nothing in this group except to never hire any of you to to finalize any of my scores. And some of you actually get paid for doing this? That is a depressing thought.
すべてのあなたの人々 が訓練を受けたミュージシャンは 人々 は、表記 shitposting、いくつかのものが単にページ、コピー、少ない量のインクを使用する方が簡単にきれいに見えますかについてそれ以上の巧妙な探して表示されるようにないナンセンスについて助言を得るためここに投稿します。表記 shitposting が shitposting 良い理由、それは、いわば同じページに誰もを保持します。あなたの
Okay, I get it, you like Translation Party.