Archaeologists use the exponential, radioactive decay of carbon 14 to estimate the death dates of organic material. The stable form of carbon is carbon 12 and the radioactive isotope carbon 14 decays over time into carbon 12 and other particles. Carbon is naturally in all living organisms and is replenished in the tissues by eating other organisms or by breathing air that contains carbon. At any particular time all living organisms have approximately the same ratio of carbon 12 to carbon 14 in their tissues. When an organism dies it ceases to replenish carbon in its tissues and the decay of carbon 14 to carbon 12 changes the ratio of carbon 12 to carbon 14. Experts can compare the ratio of carbon 12 to carbon 14 in dead material to the ratio when the organism was alive to estimate the date of its death. Radiocarbon dating can be used on samples of bone, cloth, wood and plant fibers. The half-life of a radioactive isotope describes the amount of time that it takes half of the isotope in a sample to decay. In the case of radiocarbon dating, the half-life of carbon 14 is 5,730 years. This half life is a relatively small number, which means that carbon 14 dating is not particularly helpful for very recent deaths and deaths more than 50,000 years ago. After 5,730 years, the amount of carbon 14 left in the body is half of the original amount. If the amount of carbon 14 is halved every 5,730 years, it will not take very long to reach an amount that is too small to analyze. When finding the age of an organic organism we need to consider the half-life of carbon 14 as well as the rate of decay, which is –0.693. For example, say a fossil is found that has 35% carbon 14 compared to the living sample. How old is the fossil? We can use a formula for carbon 14 dating to find the answer. Where t1/2 is the half-life of the isotope carbon 14, t is the age of the fossil (or the date of death) and ln() is the natural logarithm function. If the fossil has 35% of its carbon 14 still, then we can substitute values into our equation. So, the fossil is 8,680 years old, meaning the living organism died 8,680 years ago.
考古学者は、有機材料の死の日付を推定するのに炭素 14 の指数、放射性崩壊を使用します。炭素の安定したフォームは炭素 12、炭素 12 に時間の経過とともに放射性同位体炭素 14 の崩壊および他の粒子です。炭素はすべての生物は、自然と他の生物を食べることによってまたは炭素を含む空気を吸い込むことによって組織に補充。すべての生きている有機体はある特定のいつ炭素 14 に炭素 12 のほぼ同じ比率
An archaeologist is to estimate the date of death of the organic material with index of carbon 14, radioactive decay. Form a stable carbon is the carbon 12 and carbon 12 hours over collapse of the radioactive isotope carbon-14 and other particles. By eating other creatures and nature of all living organisms are carbon or replenish the organization by inhaling air containing carbon. All living organisms of certain
考古学者は、有機材料の炭素 14 は、放射性崩壊のインデックスとは死の日付を推定することです。フォーム上炭素 12 と炭素 12 時間は安定炭素の放射性同位体の炭素 14 や他の粒子の崩壊します。他の生き物とすべての生物の性質を食べることによって炭素または炭素を含む空気を吸い込むことによって組織を補充します。特定のすべての生物
Archaeologists have carbon-14 in organic materials is to estimate the date of death and the index of radioactive decay. On the form carbon 12 and carbon 12 hours collapse of stable carbon radioactive isotope carbon-14 and other particles. By inhaling air containing carbon or carbon by eating nature's other critters and creatures of all top-up organization. All living organisms in particular
有機物の炭素 14 がある考古学者の死の日付と放射性崩壊のインデックスを推定することです。フォームに炭素 12 と炭素 12 時間の安定炭素同位体の放射性炭素 14 や他の粒子の崩壊します。自然の他の生き物とトップを組織内のすべての生き物を食べることによって炭素または炭素を含む空気を吸い込む。特にすべての生物
Is that to estimate the index date of death of the archaeologist and the radioactive decay of carbon-14 in organic matter. Collapse of stable carbon isotope of carbon 12 and carbon 12 hours radioactive carbon-14 or other particles to form. Breathe in air containing carbon or carbon by eating other creatures of nature and home to every living creature within your organization. Especially all the organisms
考古学者の死と有機物の炭素 14 の放射性崩壊のインデックスの日付を推定することです。フォームに炭素 12 と炭素 12 時間放射性炭素 14 や他の粒子の安定炭素同位体の崩壊。自然と、組織内のすべての生き物に家の他の生き物を食べることによって炭素または炭素を含む空気を吸い込みます。特にすべての生物
Is that to estimate the date of the radioactive decay of carbon 14 death of the archaeologist and the organic index. In the form of stable carbon isotope of carbon 12 and carbon 12 hours radioactive carbon-14 or other particles decay. Inhale air containing carbon or carbon by eating other creatures ' nature and all living things in the organization. Especially all the organisms
考古学者および有機のインデックスの死を炭素 14 の放射性崩壊の日を予測することです。炭素の炭素安定同位体の形で 12 と炭素 12 時間放射性炭素 14 や他の粒子は崩壊します。他の生き物の自然と、組織内のすべての生き物を食べることによって炭素または炭素を含む空気を吸い込みます。特にすべての生物
It is to predict the death of the archaeologist and the organic index on the radioactive decay of carbon-14. In the form of stable carbon isotope of carbon 12 and carbon 12 hours radioactive carbon-14 or other particles decay. Inhale air containing carbon or carbon by eating other creatures nature and all living things within your organization. Especially all the organisms
それは考古学者と有機炭素 14 の放射性崩壊インデックスの死を予測しています。炭素の炭素安定同位体の形で 12 と炭素 12 時間放射性炭素 14 や他の粒子は崩壊します。その他の生き物の自然と、組織内のすべての生き物を食べることによって炭素または炭素を含む空気を吸い込みます。特にすべての生物
It predicts death of the archaeologist and the organic carbon 14 radioactive decay index. In the form of stable carbon isotope of carbon 12 and carbon 12 hours radioactive carbon-14 or other particles decay. Inhale air containing carbon or carbon by eating every living creature within your organization, and other creatures. Especially all the organisms
考古学者および有機炭素 14 の放射性崩壊インデックスの死を予測しています。炭素の炭素安定同位体の形で 12 と炭素 12 時間放射性炭素 14 や他の粒子は崩壊します。組織内のすべての生き物や他の生き物を食べることによって炭素または炭素を含む空気を吸い込みます。特にすべての生物
Has predicted the death of the archaeologist and the organic carbon 14 radioactive decay index. In the form of stable carbon isotope of carbon 12 and carbon 12 hours radioactive carbon-14 or other particles decay. Inhale air containing carbon or carbon by eating other creatures and every living thing in an organization. Especially all the organisms
考古学者および有機炭素 14 の放射性崩壊インデックスの死を予測しています。炭素の炭素安定同位体の形で 12 と炭素 12 時間放射性炭素 14 や他の粒子は崩壊します。他の生き物と組織内のすべての生き物を食べることによって炭素または炭素を含む空気を吸い込みます。特にすべての生物
Has predicted the death of the archaeologist and the organic carbon 14 radioactive decay index. In the form of stable carbon isotope of carbon 12 and carbon 12 hours radioactive carbon-14 or other particles decay. Inhale air containing carbon or carbon by eating other creatures and every living thing in an organization. Especially all the organisms
Come on, you can do better than that.