Animals of Oceania Children’s Book The fauna of Oceania is unique. Your task is to create a children’s book of some of the animals native to this region. Requirements: The first page must explain why the animals are unique to this region? Why do we not see these animals on other continents? You must include a minimum of 5 animals in your book For each animal you must include a description of the animal, and a picture The description should be in YOUR words, without spelling or grammar errors (copying or plagiarism will result in a “0”) The book needs to be done on paper and the illustrations need to be yours (it’s okay if you are not an artist… try your best) Remember, this is a children’s book, so it should be bright, colorful, and FUN to read!!! BE CREATIVE!! Make this something that you are proud of! DUE: Monday, December 4th Resources
絵本オセアニア オセアニアの動物群の動物はユニークです。 あなたのタスクは、この地域へのネイティブ動物のいくつかの子供向けの本を作成することです。 要件: 最初のページは、なぜ動物がこの地域に固有を説明しなければならないか。なぜ我々 が表示されないこれらの動物他の大陸? 5 動物の最小値を含める必要があります、
Yes! You've got it man! You've got it