An Insect Digimon armed with gigantic pincers on its head. Like Kabuterimon, it has combat abilities that far exceed those of similar species that inhabit File Island. It is protected by its tenacious power and sturdy shell, and in particular, as the power of its pincers is super-powerful, once it clamps an enemy it will squeeze until the opponent's life is extinguished. There is a perfect rivalry between it and the Vaccine-attribute Kabuterimon, and there is only "Conflict" between them. Its Special Move is able to easily cut hard substances to pieces (Scissor Arms).
その頭の上の巨大なペンチで武装して昆虫型デジモン。カブテリモン、同様戦闘能力をはるかに上回るファイル島に生息する種が似たようながあります。その粘り強いパワーと頑丈なシェルで保護され、特に、そのはさみの力は超強力な敵に固定したらそれが相手まで圧迫される '
Come on, you can do better than that.