Ahoy, Cubby! Is it fixed yet? Not yet Jake! Just needs a few turns of the old wrench and got it! Woohoo! We're free as a bird. Thanks, Cubby! You're really handy with those tools. Ah, coconuts! It's nothing! I like fixing stuff. Look alive, me hearties! Where did that crate come from? It must have washed up on shore last night. Let's see what's in it! Is it treasure? I, I don't know what it is. Let me take a look! Whoa! Is that a map? Nope. It's a picture of all those things we found, and it looks like if we put them together, we'll make some kind of machine! Come on mateys, let's help Cubby put together this gizmo! Remember to keep a lookout for gold doubloons. Is everybody ready? Got my sword! Got my map and my toolkit. And I have my pixie dust. Yoho let's go build this gizmo!
アホイ、こじんまり! それはまだ修正ですか。 まだジェイク! ちょうど必要がある古いの回転数はレンチし、それを得た! ヒャッホー! 私達は鳥のように自由。 おかげで、収納ボックス! あなたはこれらのツールは本当に便利です。 ああ、ココナッツ! たいしたことではありません! 固定のものが好きです。 生きている私 hearties! その箱はどこから来たのか。 それは最後の夜の海岸洗っている必要があります。 Wh を見てみましょう
Come on, you can do better than that.