Afro-san, sorry to disturb! I will speak simply. I am creating holiday letters for artists and friends. I send cards to friends and artists that would like to recieve them. Because Funoi is my favorite character of all artists I follow I wanted to say thank you. The letters will be post cards with watercolor paint or ink on them. The post card size is 102mm x 152mm. The illustration on the card will have a theme of Christmas or winter. The back side of the card will have a written note, I can write your note in Japanese if you want. I will be mailing cards in the month of December. My spouse reads and speaks fluent Japanese but I cannot. I have mailed post cards to Japan previously. Are you interested in recieving a holiday card from me? Thank you for your time. ~Sophie
アフロさん、お邪魔して申し訳ありません! 単に話します。私はアーティストや友人の年賀状を作成しています。友人とそれらを受け取りたいアーティストにカードを送る。Funoi が私に従ってくださいすべてのアーティストの私のお気に入りのキャラクターにはありがとうと言いたかった。 文字は、水彩絵の具やインクにポスト カードになります。ポスト カード
You love that! Don't you?