Aesop, it was one of the great Greek writer. He was the best of the story known in the well moral fable. They are in order to do something about our lives, I will tell you that you have it, it is. Aesop wrote thousands of these stories. Here are a few. Wolf in sheep's clothing Once upon a time, Wolf has decided to impersonate the way he looked. So that it can be easily, he is, I, you and I, I will be able to obtain the food that I thought would help me is placed. He then, he was wearing the skin of a sheep that went out to the herd to the pasture. But the shepherd, was deceived by his clever costume. In the evening, the shepherd was placed in him in the rest of the sheep. Before he goes to bed, they were confirmed to be safe, we will close the gate. In the middle of the night, he doubled back to get some meat for the next day. Sheep of the wolf, it is, he goes, many more are, however, have been placed in the attack, it does not mean that you have killed you to him you soon. People who are looking to harm others, would be harmed themselves. Bat and weasel Bat, fell to the ground that has been arrested by the weasel. This is what I have asked the weasel in life, concrete, weasel refused. Birds, nature, it has been was told that it was an enemy to the bat. Bat, it was a mouse, it was guaranteed to him that was not a bird. Itachi set it free, then, I thought the moment. For some time, again, it is after being arrested in other weasel, it was a decrease of the bat on the ground. Since I was asked it, I'm in he morning, was arranged in one of the weasel, I do not eat, I think it is it. Because I did not like at all, weasel, however, it is a mouse, and he liked it, will make you eat it. Bat, mouse, bat was not told the weasel. Since the weasel had a good answer, he let go of it. Bat, always did not know the wise in order to enable the event to your advantage. The Lion and the Mouse If you want to run him in the face, the mouse on top of the lion, I sleep, I woke up. His little mouse that stood up angry was afraid catch me. Repayment He said, "I am, but he said, you are, I think that want a little bit of your kindness of it in my life," in order to say that it was, has been mentioned that you are saying it is possible, is he if you are very understanding to refer to said it, I about what you had in mind, however, he is certain, but it is there in me, such nonsense, and was laughed at voice, because I have been I have had, is a scream, we will say the crack, he must say that is the order, there is a mouse Lions , but kill it, I'd be there. After a short time, however, the lion, was arrested by several hunters. They are joined to him by a rope to the ground. He was running a mouse that he has been confirmed in a roar, have his teeth, it gnawed the rope, and set the free Lion. You are "I can help you, also, you to laugh at you. You are now, you need to have in the same way as that it must be. Down" it, you have it on, now, there is I, it is a mouse is supported by small little they it it is provided on the bottom surface of the mice that have been, are you, a giant of the concept that you are using to know that you are it said that it is not in a Lion
イソップ、偉大なギリシャの作家の 1 つだった。彼はよく道徳的な寓話で知られている物語の最高でした。彼らは私たちの生活について何かをするために、それをした場合は、それはあなたを告げます。イソップは、何千ものこれらの物語を書いた。少数はここにあります。 狼羊の服昔々、オオカミは彼を偽装するように決めました。それは簡単にすることができます、ので、彼は、私は、あなたと私は、食物を得ることができるでしょう私に役立つだろうと思ったが配置されます。彼、彼は s を着ていた
It was one of Aesop, Greece a great writer. He was the best of the story is well known in the moral fables. It tells you if you did that to them is to do something about our lives. Aesop wrote many thousands of these stories. Here are a few. Wolf sheep's clothing once upon a time, the Wolf is to impersonate his decided. It can be easily
イソップ、ギリシャの偉大な作家の 1 つだった。彼はの最高道徳の寓話で知られている話。あなたが私たちの生活について何かを行うには、それらをしたかどうかを示します。イソップは、何千ものこれらの物語を書いた。 少数はここにあります。昔々 狼羊の服は、オオカミは彼の決定を偽装します。それは簡単にすることができます。
It was one of the great writers of Aesop, Greece. He's known in fable of top morality tale. Shows whether or not those that you do something about our lives. Aesop wrote many thousands of these stories. Here are a few. Once upon a time the Wolf sheep's clothing the Wolf impersonates the his decision. It can be easy.
イソップ、ギリシャの偉大な作家の 1 つだった。彼はトップの道徳の物語の寓話で知られています。示すかどうかこれらの私たちの生活について何かを行うこと。 イソップは、何千ものこれらの物語を書いた。少数はここにあります。昔々 狼羊の衣類のオオカミ彼の権限を借用決定。それは簡単にすることができます。
It was one of the great writers of Aesop, Greece. He is known in the story of top morality fable. Indicates whether anything about the lives of those of us that do. Aesop wrote many thousands of these stories. Here are a few. Once upon a time in Wolf sheep's clothing the Wolf his authority borrowing decisions. It can be easy.
イソップ、ギリシャの偉大な作家の 1 つだった。彼はトップの道徳の寓話の物語で知られています。 何もこれらの私たちの生活についてするかを示します。イソップは、何千ものこれらの物語を書いた。少数はここにあります。昔々 狼羊の服オオカミ彼の権威を借りて決定。それは簡単にすることができます。
It was one of the great writers of Aesop, Greece. He is known in the story of top morality fable. Whether to do anything about these in our lives. Aesop wrote many thousands of these stories. Here are a few. Once upon a time Wolf Wolf sheep's clothes decided, with his authority. It can be easy.
イソップ、ギリシャの偉大な作家の 1 つだった。 彼はトップの道徳の寓話の物語で知られています。これらについては私たちの生活で何かをするかどうか。イソップは、何千ものこれらの物語を書いた。少数はここにあります。昔々 狼狼羊の服を決めた、彼の権限を持つ。それは簡単にすることができます。
It was one of the great writers of Aesop, Greece. He is known in the story of top morality fable. Whether or not to do something about these in our lives. Aesop wrote many thousands of these stories. Here are a few. With once upon a time decided the Wolf the Wolf sheep's clothing, his authority. It can be easy.
イソップ、ギリシャの偉大な作家の 1 つだった。彼はトップの道徳の寓話の物語で知られています。これらについては私たちの生活で何かをするかどうかを指定します。イソップは、何千ものこれらの物語を書いた。少数はここにあります。昔々 狼狼羊の服、彼の権威のことを決めた。それは簡単にすることができます。
It was one of the great writers of Aesop, Greece. He is known in the story of top morality fable. Specifies whether or not to do something about these in our lives. Aesop wrote many thousands of these stories. Here are a few. Once upon a time decided that the Wolf the Wolf sheep's clothing, his authority. It can be easy.
イソップ、ギリシャの偉大な作家の 1 つだった。彼はトップの道徳の寓話の物語で知られています。これらについては私たちの生活で何かをするかどうかを指定します。イソップは、何千ものこれらの物語を書いた。少数はここにあります。昔々、ウルフ狼羊の服に、彼の権限ことを決めた。それは簡単にすることができます。
It was one of the great writers of Aesop, Greece. He is known in the story of top morality fable. Specifies whether or not to do something about these in our lives. Aesop wrote many thousands of these stories. Here are a few. Once upon a time, the Wolf the Wolf sheep's clothing, his authority decided. It can be easy.
イソップ、ギリシャの偉大な作家の 1 つだった。彼はトップの道徳の寓話の物語で知られています。これらについては私たちの生活で何かをするかどうかを指定します。イソップは、何千ものこれらの物語を書いた。少数はここにあります。昔々、彼の権威を決めた狼狼羊の服します。それは簡単にすることができます。
It was one of the great writers of Aesop, Greece. He is known in the story of top morality fable. Specifies whether or not to do something about these in our lives. Aesop wrote many thousands of these stories. Here are a few. Outfit decided his authority upon the Wolf the Wolf sheep. It can be easy.
イソップ、ギリシャの偉大な作家の 1 つだった。彼はトップの道徳の寓話の物語で知られています。これらについては私たちの生活で何かをするかどうかを指定します。イソップは、何千ものこれらの物語を書いた。少数はここにあります。服は、狼の羊オオカミに彼の権威を決定しました。それは簡単にすることができます。
It was one of the great writers of Aesop, Greece. He is known in the story of top morality fable. Specifies whether or not to do something about these in our lives. Aesop wrote many thousands of these stories. Here are a few. Clothes are sheep Wolf Wolf decided his authority. It can be easy.
イソップ、ギリシャの偉大な作家の 1 つだった。彼はトップの道徳の寓話の物語で知られています。これらについては私たちの生活で何かをするかどうかを指定します。イソップは、何千ものこれらの物語を書いた。少数はここにあります。服が羊狼オオカミ彼の権威を決定しました。それは簡単にすることができます。
It was one of the great writers of Aesop, Greece. He is known in the story of top morality fable. Specifies whether or not to do something about these in our lives. Aesop wrote many thousands of these stories. Here are a few. Clothes are sheep wolves Wolves decided his authority. It can be easy.
イソップ、ギリシャの偉大な作家の 1 つだった。彼はトップの道徳の寓話の物語で知られています。これらについては私たちの生活で何かをするかどうかを指定します。イソップは、何千ものこれらの物語を書いた。少数はここにあります。服が羊狼オオカミは彼の権威を決定しました。それは簡単にすることができます。
It was one of the great writers of Aesop, Greece. He is known in the story of top morality fable. Specifies whether or not to do something about these in our lives. Aesop wrote many thousands of these stories. Here are a few. Decided his authority Wolf wolves in Sheeps Clothing. It can be easy.
イソップ、ギリシャの偉大な作家の 1 つだった。彼はトップの道徳の寓話の物語で知られています。これらについては私たちの生活で何かをするかどうかを指定します。イソップは、何千ものこれらの物語を書いた。少数はここにあります。彼の機関狼狼羊の服を決めた。それは簡単にすることができます。
It was one of the great writers of Aesop, Greece. He is known in the story of top morality fable. Specifies whether or not to do something about these in our lives. Aesop wrote many thousands of these stories. Here are a few. Decided his agency Wolf Wolf sheep's clothing. It can be easy.
イソップ、ギリシャの偉大な作家の 1 つだった。彼はトップの道徳の寓話の物語で知られています。これらについては私たちの生活で何かをするかどうかを指定します。イソップは、何千ものこれらの物語を書いた。少数はここにあります。彼の代理店狼狼羊の服を決めた。それは簡単にすることができます。
It was one of the great writers of Aesop, Greece. He is known in the story of top morality fable. Specifies whether or not to do something about these in our lives. Aesop wrote many thousands of these stories. Here are a few. Decided his agency Wolf Wolf sheep's clothing. It can be easy.
That's deep, man.