Abstract This paper will address three different perspectives held by economists on how to solve the problem of the national debt. In this paper, the respective positions of classical, Keynesian, and monetarist economics will be described. The principal beliefs held by each of the three economic positions will be explained and compared to each other. This paper will also explain the economic topics of fiscal policy, crowding out, and public choice. These topics will be analyzed in the context of the national debt. Finally, the possible economic crisis that could happen in the United States will be compared to the economic crisis that has already happened in Greece.
抽象的なこの紙は、国家債務の問題を解決する方法について経済学者によって開催された 3 つの異なる視点に対処します。本稿ではクラシック、ケインズのそれぞれの立場とマネタリスト経済学が説明します。プリンシパルの信念が保有する 3 つの経済位置の説明し、各 othe に比較されます。
Come on, you can do better than that.