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About » About Impact Core Values Founders Challenge » Challenge Participation Rules HYDRO DYNAMICS Judging & Awards Judging FAQ Global Innovation Past Challenges Events » Events World Festival Opens Country List Social Stream English​▼ Search CHALLENGE Facebook Twitter YouTube Wordpress Blog Every year, FIRST LEGO League releases a Challenge, which is based on a real-world scientific topic. Each Challenge has three parts: the Robot Game, the Project, and the Core Values. Teams of up to ten children, with at least two adult coaches, participate in the Challenge by programming an autonomous robot to score points on a themed playing field (Robot Game), developing a solution to a problem they have identified (Project), all guided by the FIRST LEGO League Core Values. Teams may then attend an official tournament, hosted by our FIRST LEGO League Partners. Past Challenges have been based on topics such as nanotechnology, climate, quality of life for the handicapped population, and transportation. By designing our Challenges around such topics, participants are exposed to potential career paths within a chosen Challenge topic, in addition to solidifying the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) principles that naturally come from participating in the program. Team members also learn valuable life and employment skills which will benefit them no matter which career path they choose. PARTICIPATION RULES Like other team activities, FIRST LEGO League has basic ground rules. Failure to abide by these rules could result in ineligibility for awards at a tournament or other consequences deemed necessary by Judges, Referees, Tournament Organizers, FIRST LEGO League Partners, Headquarters, or their designated representatives. Additional rules and awards criteria may be found through the links below. GENERAL + TEAM MEMBERS + ROBOT GAME + PROJECT + TOURNAMENTS + HYDRO DYNAMICS CHALLENGE On your mark, get set, flow! Drink in the 2017/2018 HYDRO DYNAMICSSM season and learn all about water – how we find, transport, use, or dispose of it. In the 2017/2018 FIRST® LEGO® League Challenge, students age 9 to 16* from 80 countries will make a splash with HYDRO DYNAMICS. What might become possible when we understand what happens to our water? FIRST LEGO League challenges kids to think like scientists and engineers. During the HYDRO DYNAMICSSM season, teams will choose and solve a real-world problem in the Project. They will also build, test, and program an autonomous robot using LEGO® MINDSTORMS® technology to solve a set of missions in the Robot Game. Throughout their experience, teams will operate under the FIRST LEGO League signature set of Core Values, celebrating discovery, teamwork, and Gracious Professionalism®. *Ages vary by country HYDRO DYNAMICS Challenge: HYDRO DYNAMICS Challenge - Letter HYDRO DYNAMICS Challenge - A4 HYDRO DYNAMICS Challenge Guide: HYDRO DYNAMICS Challenge Guide - Letter HYDRO DYNAMICS Challenge Guide - A4 HYDRO DYNAMICS Challenge Updates (updated 12/18) Welcome to the Season Videos: Project Video Robot Game Video Mission Model Building Instructions Field Setup Guide - Letter Field Setup Guide - A4 Overhead view of field HYDRO DYNAMICS Scoresheets: Scoresheet Graphical Scoresheet Download ALL Challenge-specific Files - Zip File JUDGING & AWARDS FIRST LEGO League is known around the globe not only for what we do (the Robot Game and Project), but also how we do it, with Core Values at the heart. The rubrics used for judging reflect these three equally important aspects of FIRST LEGO League. Official tournaments must follow the judging and awards structure determined by FIRST LEGO League. Although the audience mostly sees teams playing the Robot Game at tournaments, teams are also being judged on: Core Values Project Robot Design The Core Values Poster and the Robot Design Executive Summary are additional tools that may be used to help facilitate discussion in the Core Values and Robot Design Judging sessions at official events. Your Partner will distribute the instructions to teams outlining the information to be included if your Region plans to require the Core Values Poster and/or the Robot Design Executive Summary at its events. Please contact your Partner for further information. The Core Values Poster and the Robot Design Executive Summary will be used as part of the judging at World Festival. Rubrics (updated September 5, 2017) Award Descriptions About Judging Teams must participate in all elements of a FIRST LEGO League competition including the Robot Game and all three judged areas in order to be eligible for any Core Award. Judges use the rubrics to help them determine which teams will receive awards. With the exception of the Robot Performance Award, awards are determined by a deliberation process, which is formulated around discussions of team performance in each category. If a team does not exhibit Core Values at a tournament, they may be disqualified from winning any awards – including Robot Performance, no matter how well they scored. Adults are strictly prohibited from directing team members or interfering with the judging process or robot rounds in any way. No team is allowed to win two awards, unless one of the awards is for Robot Performance. Robot Performance is the only category based solely on score. While they may attend other events for fun, teams are only eligible to win awards at the first official event of each qualifying level attended during the season. JUDGING FAQ 1. How is the Champion’s Award determined? Are certain weights used? 2. Does FIRST LEGO League have an official policy on how teams advance to Championships from Qualifiers? 3. Is it possible to win the Robot Performance Award based on field/game score without doing the Project? 4. Can elimination or alliance rounds be used to determine Robot Performance Award? 5. What happens if my team goes past 5 minutes when giving their Project presentation? 6. Can the Coach help the team set up their Project presentation? 7. Do tournament directors have the flexibility to create their own judging tools or additional requirements for teams, other than those specified in the Challenge document?


英語 ▼ 検索チャレンジ Facebook のイベント世界祭開く国一覧社会ストリームは約» 影響コア値起業家チャレンジ» チャレンジ参加ルール水力ダイナミクス審査・判断して過去の課題イベント FAQ グローバル ・ イノベーション賞を受賞» 最初のレゴリーグ twitter YouTube ワードプレスのブログ、毎年チャレンジをリリースします。


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Affect the core values entrepreneurship challenge • tea open search range event World Festival list social stream Facebook Japan»» participation rules hydro Dynamics testing challenges as a global innovation challenges of past events FAQ's


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Core values entrepreneurship challenge affecting the stream, • tea open search range event World Festival list social Facebook Japan»» participation rules hydro Dynamics test issues past as FAQ events global innovation challenge


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Core values • entrepreneurship challenge affecting tea open search range event World Festival list social Facebook Japan stream»» participation rules hydro Dynamics test issues past FAQ-event global innovation challenge


コア値茶オープン検索範囲イベント ワールド ・ フェスティバル一覧社会 Facebook 日本ストリームに影響を与える • 起業チャレンジ»» 参加ルール水力ダイナミクス テスト問題過去の FAQ イベント世界的なイノベーションへの挑戦


Affect the core values tea open search range event World Festival list social Facebook Japan stream • entrepreneurship challenge»» participation rules hydro Dynamics test issues last FAQ events world-wide innovation challenge


コア値茶オープン検索範囲イベント ワールド ・ フェスティバル一覧社会 Facebook 日本ストリーム • 起業チャレンジに影響»» 参加ルール水力ダイナミクス テスト問題最後 FAQ イベント世界的なイノベーションへの挑戦


Core value Brown open search range event World Festival list social Facebook Japan stream • impact entrepreneurship challenge»» participation rules hydro Dynamics test issues last FAQ events worldwide innovation challenge


コア値ブラウン オープン検索範囲イベント ワールド ・ フェスティバル一覧社会 Facebook 日本ストリーム • 影響起業チャレンジ»» 参加ルール水力ダイナミクス テスト問題最後 FAQ イベント世界的なイノベーションへの挑戦


Core value Brown open search range event World Festival list social Facebook Japan stream • impact entrepreneurship challenge»» participation rules hydro Dynamics test issues last FAQ events worldwide innovation challenge

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