A parody of the Nobel Prizes, the Ig Nobel Prizes are awarded each year in mid-September, around the time the recipients of the genuine Nobel Prizes are announced, for ten achievements that "first make people laugh, and then make them think". Commenting on the 2006 awards, Marc Abrahams, editor of Annals of Improbable Research and co-sponsor of the awards, said that "[t]he prizes are intended to celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative, and spur people's interest in science, medicine, and technology".[1] All prizes are awarded for real achievements, except for three in 1991 and one in 1994, due to an erroneous press release.
ノーベル賞のパロディーであるイグノーベル賞は、9月中旬に、ノーベル賞の受賞者が発表される頃に「最初に人々を笑い、思考させる」という10の業績に対して毎年授与されます。 2006年の賞にコメントして、Marc Abrahams、Improbable Researchの年鑑の編集者であり、The Co-Sponsor of the
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