1. Start with the backside of the tie facing away from you, the wide end is on the right and the small end is on the left. The tip of the small end should rest slightly above your belly-button (this will vary depending on your height and the length & thickness of your tie). Move only the active (wide) end. 2. Wide end under the small end to the left. 3. Across the small end to the right. 4. Up into the neck loop from underneath. 5. Down through the loop you've just made in the front. 6. Pull down on the wide end to tighten. Slide the knot up to adjust.
1 ワイド端、あなたから離れて直面しているネクタイの裏面を起動は右側と左側の小さい方の端は。小さい方の端の先端はあなたの腹ボタン (これはあなたの高さと長さ・ ネクタイの厚さによって異なります) 上少し休むべきであります。アクティブ (ワイド) の端だけを移動します。 2. ワイド端、lef を小さい方の端の下で
You should move to Japan!