Translated Labs


- 0011304: [Adventure Mode -- Character Creation] Crash upon trying to use modded-in creatures in Adventure Mode (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011326: [Miscellaneous Crashes] Consistent, reproducible crash in the testing arena (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011268: [Adventure Mode -- Movement] Mount controls direction of the adventurer after fast traveling while mounted (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011224: [Adventure Mode -- AI] Asking a Pet to Wait is Permanent (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011225: [Adventure Mode -- General] Waiting Pet Becomes Recruit When Fast Traveling (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011289: [Adventure Mode -- AI] Pets drops hauled items when attacking somebody (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011308: [Adventure Mode -- Display] Intrigue tab 'actors' has expand prompt, but cannot be expanded. (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011309: [Adventure Mode -- Display] Intrigue tab 'plots' cannot be scrolled through. (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011305: [Adventure Mode -- Conversation] Cannot view hearthperson duty request in dialogue; "I am confused" response from the player character (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011244: [Adventure Mode -- Conversation] Option to ask for duty pertaining heartsperson is hidden but selectable in conversation. (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011231: [Dwarf Mode -- Jobs, Childcare] Mothers with babies walk around randomly instead of working (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011263: [Legends Mode -- Map Export] Criminal Network maps don't show the network. (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011247: [Adventure Mode -- Character Creation] Point cost for adjusting equipment quality does not account for number of items in stack. (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011298: [Legends Mode -- History Export] XML Export of some new events does not include their type (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011290: [World Generation -- Parameters] Medium World Size with Very High Number of Civilizations impossible to gen (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011251: [Dwarf Mode -- Environment] Several dwarves often have cave adaption upon entering the embark site. (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011270: [Adventure Mode -- Character Creation] Selecting a home does not reset beliefs if the only option is "none" (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011280: [Adventure Mode -- General] The name of a claimed pet does not display, after receiving a name by killing a sentient being (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011214: [Creatures] Inorganic creatures crash game on viewing their description if they do not have a recent thought (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011192: [Adventure Mode -- General] Adventurers trying to view their own description frequently crash game (Toady One) - resolved. - 0010831: [Miscellaneous Crashes] Mod Testing Arena - Crash On Viewing Own Description (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011249: [Miscellaneous Crashes] Game crashes shortly after loading and unpausing (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011221: [Creatures] ANIMAL_PERSON_LEGLESS lacks PET_ANIMAL interaction (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011222: [Legends Mode -- History Export] Legends export has wrong terminating tag for interrogator_hfid (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011223: [World Generation -- Parameters] New Worldgen Settings Lack Linux Newline Characters (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011232: [Adventure Mode -- Movement] Flying mounts cannot be controlled while flying. (Toady One) - resolved. - 0011238: [Adventure Mode -- Character Creation] Crash when starting as outsider (Toady One) - resolved.


--0011304:[アドベンチャーモード-キャラクター作成]アドベンチャーモード(Toady One)で改造されたクリーチャーを使おうとするとクラッシュする-解決しました。 --0011326:[その他のクラッシュ]テストアリーナでの一貫性のある再現可能なクラッシュ(Toady One)-解決しました。 --0011268:[アドベンチャーモード-移動]マウントは、高速移動後のアドベンチャーの方向を制御します


--0011304: [Adventure Mode-Character Creation] Crash when trying to use a modified creature in Adventure Mode (Toady One)-Fixed. --0011326: [Other crashes] Consistent and reproducible crashes in the test arena (Toady One)


--0011304:[アドベンチャーモード-キャラクター作成]アドベンチャーモード(Toady One)で変更されたクリーチャーを使おうとするとクラッシュする-修正されました。 --0011326:[その他のクラッシュ]テストアリーナでの一貫性のある再現可能なクラッシュ(Toady One)


--0011304: [Adventure Mode-Character Creation] Crash when trying to use creatures modified in Adventure Mode (Toady One)-Fixed. --0011326: [Other Crashes] Consistent and reproducible crashes in the test arena (Toady One)


--0011304:[アドベンチャーモード-キャラクター作成]アドベンチャーモード(Toady One)で変更されたクリーチャーを使おうとするとクラッシュする-修正されました。 --0011326:[その他のクラッシュ]テストアリーナでの一貫性のある再現可能なクラッシュ(Toady One)


--0011304: [Adventure Mode-Character Creation] Crash when trying to use creatures modified in Adventure Mode (Toady One)-Fixed. --0011326: [Other Crashes] Consistent and reproducible crashes in the test arena (Toady One)

Equilibrium found!

Come on, you can do better than that.


9h ago

You may want to crash these parties too
